
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lotuschef in Chat - Seeing Light!

LL: I meeting KY for dinner at 8pm. Will chat later with you
Sw: Enjoy your dinner.  I m still waiting for WY to come meet me for dinner.. Dunno when? Hungry
LL: Hehe. At her office?
LL: KY coming from Nuh
Sw: Yup she is always on e way since 6plus.. Lol
: SZ really sent her to help in my cultivation :)

LL: Patience :)
Sw: Yup patience :)
LL: Chant guru mantra n radiate light lol
Sw: Haha.. Given her alot of lights

LL: No. Give to all beings la.

Sw: :).. Airport McDonald can be quite crowded on Sat night
Sw: Yup.. This afternoon went Polyclinic with mum.. Sharing lights with all..
LL: We go PR.  Can cum join us. Kopi tiam opposite temple
Sw: Today cannot liao.. Meeting WY's friends for dinner. Still waiting. Lol
LL: From KY n me: hahaha :) :) :)
Sw: :)
LL: Hahaha

LL: Register fire puja pls
Sw: Ok
LL: I wrote an article about this matter this afternoon.  Enjoy!
Sw: Yes read.. Lol.. Going to write my seller an email now :)
Sw: Oops.. I used wrong choice of word - cleanse is more appropriate.. Hehe
LL: Ya lo. Cultivator must watch body speech mind lol
Sw: Yes madam.. Lol

LL: T & L calling repeatedly
LL: about dream! I replied liao still call.
Sw: They need to hear your voice ma.. Haha
LL: Very funny hor.
Sw: :)
LL: Waste my time.  I too hungry n just eat breakfast n lunch! Busy but no choice have to stop a while.
Sw: U explained very clearly on your blog on what they can do. Still calling u? Email also can ma
LL: As u said.  Like my voice!  :)
Sw: See, u also admit :)

Sw: Fashi, want to meet for lunch?
LL: What time?
Sw: 12 plus? With YS
LL: Just finished morning's homework. :)
Sw: Yup we saw :)
LL: Ok. Then.  See you2 later. :)
Sw: Onz!

Sw: Fashi, my youngest brother just watsapp me to ask about register of Karmic. I suggest to him to also offer lotus to GM n Fo pu sa. He will email u soon. Spoken to him on karmic few days ago.. Din expect him to take action. Guess is about time :)

LL: He don't cultivate better than like your cousin JS  any how do.  Or NJ,  think wrong stuff.
Sw: Yes.. He dun cultivate. But also into those feng shui thingy.. Also client of Ro.. Lol
Sw: It is a good first step for him now
LL: He emailed n I replied liao
LL: If he can deposit funds by 2moro,  then I can include for KL
Sw: Great! Fast hand fast leg. Told him to email n see if can make it for this Sat

LL: Ro is really powerless but many choose to believe him. His karma for failing to deliver.  ☺
Sw: Lol.. His business doing big liao. Even set up meditation centre. I m not comfortable when I see his students moving here n there doing ruitals.. Like possessed. Yoga shall not be like that

LL: His is raise spirits la.  起灵
LL: His aura dark lol
Sw: Ya man.. Lol

LL: It's my birthday today liao☺
Sw: 💥Wa!!! Happy Birthday!! 生日快乐!!🍗🍷💫💥
LL: Wow! So much gifts!  Thanks a million!
Sw: Lol.. All your favorite food :)

LL: Your brother's friend register for 2 X 7 lotuses for baby for this Saturday KL event.  Hope can help lol
LL: My favorite food then wait for me to return n eat hor. Hehe
Sw: Ok onz! Big feast then. Lol
LL: Registration current 121 lotuses with 35 attending.
LL: Not bad hor
Sw: That's very good.. I believe sure will help the baby.. Timing so nice somemore. Fire puja GM n medicine Buddha :) :) :)
Sw: 35 attending in KL is quite alot liao
LL: Have 普贤菩萨生日

LL: Actually registration closed on 18 mar liao. :)
Sw: Hehe.. Ya lor. Ask him to try. Thank u Fashi :):):)
LL: It's OK.  Can help will do so.
20 Mar 00:36 - Sw: :)
LL: So u know registration closed.  Hahaha! Testing my compassionate level?
Sw: Hahaha.. I know u are ma.. :)
LL: :)

Sw: Fashi, I had bought some roses n lily for the Heart.
LL: Ok

Sw: Fashi, tonight u free? Want to catch up for drinks in Mac or nearby? Around 7-8pm.. Some Qi question to ask
LL: If wen shi need to pay consultation hor  :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Sw: Haha., ask cultivation la.. :)

LL: Ok la. Go Mc cafe la. Eat cheese cakes
Sw: Ok ok.. My viewing 6.45pm. Msg u again when on my way :)
LL: Ok. Just you only?
Lw: So far one n only.. :)
LL:  :)
Sw: Fashi I on my way. Reaching around 20 mins to half hr
LL: Reach text me

Sw: Here liao
LL: Ok.

LL: Smoothie machine down?
Sw: Nope. Leg hand slow
LL: Hahaha

Sw asked about Light and how to time with Breathing momentum. :)

In recent speeches, SZ said the ambassador can see Precious Blue light  宝蓝色的光; then a Fashi can see light blocking her view of TV; ....

Now relate all these Sightings with Qi Mobilization! :)

Above: This is Precious Blue light  宝蓝色的光

There are articles in this blog on Qi Mobilization, See Light and Knowing What to Do Next is important, agree?

SZ has shared much on the same too! 

Please go do your own research, so that you will remember what and how to do! 

Although I shared Qi mobilization and Light Mobilization with Sw over Mango & Pineapple Smoothies & Cheesecake at Mcdonalds, I think it is more appropriate if you have already built some Foundations with 9-steps breathing techniques 九节佛风.


My point is that I will only share the Finer details or techniques with those that can show me that they have good and sound foundations of the managing Qi in & out of one's body!

And a gentle reminder, Cultivation efforts and its corresponding Sincerity, can be seen from One's aura! 
There is no point in trying to Bluff Self as well as me or SZ. :)

In the latest speech, SZ actually supported my statement that Cultivation Efforts can be seen and cannot bluff! :)

O! Tantrayana is Secret Vehicle too!

So these Secrets can only share with those with the RIGHT Potential & Affinity!
Sw is one of the few students that have a skull structural change to the frontal part in the shape of an inverse lotus petal! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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