
Sunday, March 16, 2014

MH 370 - Aura Reading

how do these folks look to you in terms of their aura?

Bendi Tan likes this.

Francesca Poon Hi friend, read aura needs to pay $$!!! Hahaha!

The 239 people on board might still be alive anyway! 
The search were given lots of False info, to "buy time" for some parties to relocate the aircraft, agree?

SZ said can't reveal certain details like Live & Death. 
Like when a person is to die or about to die, kind of info. 
We are not to pronounce the Fate of anyone!

We did refuge and bardo for all 239 for individuals & their karmic of this and all past lives. 
Lets wait and see parties coming forward to State their intent for the fate of these 239 people!

Medium & Bomoh predictions all NOT TRUE!!!

Auras considered READ!

Thomas Chung Thank you for your insights. _/\_

Francesca Poon Hahaha! Insights? Don't have any! 

However, SZ showed me a politician's face yesterday afternoon while I am preparing the Bardo packs for this incident. 
O! Politics also something SZ said we don't get involved in!

My "hunch" about location being somewhere in Indian Ocean might be pretty accurate though! 

So "Hoping for a Miracle" might actually materialize!

Dear all, 
Aura readings are for the purpose of helping people and not to satisfy someone's curiosity. :)

Aura readings is yet another that is interesting in that you sometimes "get" to see videos of the subject in action, in this or previous lives. 
Most time at least 2 past lifetime, that "marked" the subject's "Fate" or Karma deeply into the negative ranges.

Then what this subject is going to do or going to happen to him, can also be seen in video form as well. 

The thing is you do not need the subject's Bio-data at all! 

Was just remarking to a fellow student that I didn't have name; birth data;  when he/she is sitting in front of me, when they consulted me.

Yes! unlike the modern day fortune telling from professionals who feed your birth data and name into a computer and a print-out of your likely fate results! 

This is Probability and Chances in Mathematics! :)

Read the Liao Fan story, please. 
Your FATE can be change by your own sincere efforts to make a difference.

At least giving One's Karmic from this & previous lifetime a good send-off, will ease One's path in Life! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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