
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lotuschef in Weird & Bizzare Encounter [2]

The above are the Bardo Delivery packs for the 2 security guards burnt to death at work.
Sponsored by fellow student together with Pure Karma.

All these photos are captured mostly during the burning of incense offering for Bardo Delivery services.

Now, there is another that I met.
At the first glance, this person has a great dark hue pressing downwards on his frontal part of skull.
He is bald headed, therefore very obvious!

He said he is prepared to die!

I explained to him what it is to die without clearing his karmic debtors!

He said he does charity work each month, by buying and distributing supplies to senior citizens at old folk homes.

I told him he can do more, like chanting Amitabha Buddha's title : Amituofo and visualize that he is light bulb and light up, sharing this light with all.
He also can keep a smile on his face, which is maintaining positive energy.

He said its a family trait that all of them don't smile! :)

He promised to chant Amitabha's title anyway.


1. [[ LL: today went for lunch with sean n yewsin. something cute happened
i posted my encounter liao
see ghosts! hehe

GY: oh that's YS ya
very strange happening

LL: no la. its JL

GY: they could go descend in sean to ask help

LL: his skull or forehead have a lotus petal or inverted kalachakra pendant

GY: is that a good sign?

LL: yeah! strange n interesting happened in my life

the lotus petal forehead

GY: ya

LL: like our mayuri eye


he is ksitigarbha side ma

GY: oh good then

LL: we are sakyamuni side ma

GY: very interesting

LL: you should see it for yourself, the greenish pale yellow color moving up from his jawline rapidly. I had to tell him to stop fast!

else whole face change color

GY: woooooo

LL: hehe!

GY: what would happen if you let him be?

but they're indeed looking for help hor

LL: I don't know ley! maybe like raise spirits n he will start to jump or do monkey dance!

GY: lol scary ah

no wonder it's that weird

LL: anyway, compassionate me can't let things go too far mah!

GY: just in time hor!!!

LL: if it were anyone else or someone I don't know then I might pause and consider lol

i think JL is more shock then scared lol!

GY: ya shock is the word

LL: YS just blurr blurr sitting between 2 of us

GY: hahaha

LL: he said he can't see a thing!

SZ really makes my life interesting hor

GY: indeed ]]

2. [[ LL: Actually GY asked what if I didn't say stop!
The spirits will continue to move upwards?

I really don't know

However, I know I have to tell them to stop.

Spirits don't show their ugly faces to me. Only see them in greenish colors!
Just like those in some people that I saw.

JL: If didn't say stop maybe my whole body turns green.. Haha

But this case seems like the spirits are asking for help more than trying to create harm.. 
In other case, I believe GM's mantra or bai zi ming zou should be able to get rid of it :) ]]


Dear all, 
I don't fancy finding out what will happen if I didn't say : STOP!

At least, I managed to halt the progress of the greenish pale yellow hue spreading even further up JL's face!

Yes! We can chant Gm's mantra or bai zi ming zhou to cleanse but please note, don't use "get rid of it".

We live harmoniously with all beings around us and if they show up, they need help of some sort or a person owes them big time, then they can possess this person.

We also will do our best to deliver them into Shizun's hands and let SZ decides where and when to send them.

Once again, if you don't owe karmic debts to any spirits, they can't "take control" of you!

Pure Karma's doors are wide opened 24/7 and you are welcome to seek help for them.
Email to :

Strictly No Consultation on Personal Matters in your emails, unless accompanied by relevant payment of services fee!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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