
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lotuschef in Chat - Burning All Your Boats 烧船断路


Wn made a request in Facebook for me to delete a photo taken during fire puja, whereby he is also present
PK3 dear, can we blank out his face? That mean leaving his body without a head?
Cheers all

PK3: I can take care of photos, but I don't know which one Wn is.

TR : Hi fashi,
I also received the message from him. I already removed him from Facebook.

Lotuschef : hahaha!
another one that went and roll in sentient mud liao!

Hi PK3,
this is the link ______

can u blank out his face? this photo in facebook!

there's another one with this one too, also plenty of light orbs!
I don't see that it is offending?
lets leave him alone
I am going to block him from my facebook

PK3: Here are the ninja version. [means we blanked out this person's face leaving the rest of him only.]

Lotuschef: hahaha! 
how to replace them?

PK3: Can't be replaced automatically.You have to delete the original files first and then upload the new ones to the same album.

Lotuschef: i don't know how, so lets leave it!
ok. thanks
but I don't think I will post them to share on blog as many people very kay-poh!!!

PK3: Maybe he's now slim and handsome like wangleehom, he just wants to erase the unhandsome past lol.

Lotuschef: he only ask for one photo to be taken out!
but I see no reason why I must do so!
his action is anathema to what he has gained from PKV!

In the above case, other PKV members received the same from Wn to have his photo removed from their facebook photos.

March 2014 - These are from Wn recently:-
Day 1- 9:57am : 法师早上好,好久不见 [Good morning fashi, long time no see]
Day 2-12:52pm :法师早上好 [Good morning fashi]
Day 3- 10:19am : Good morning fashi

PK7: Remember Wn? Demanding that we remove photos with him in fire puja photos.
He started past 2 days to say hi fashi, long time no see in Chinese and fashi zhao shang hao. 
This morning in English: Good morning fashi.

Before he disappeared , he requested that I set his altar & he willing to pay & don't want to do himself.
Looks like he wants something now!

Have been opening tons of lotuses these past few days & really have no time to do so lol
Lets increase our service charges so I can RELAX!

PK3: ya. the one in black shirt
okay i will change them later [service charges]

PK7: Hahaha! Writing a post about him now. 
So this time, I jam brakes on him, severe his friendly overtures instantly. 
His facial features already altered for the worse when he joins us back in old place.

Dear all, 
Think deeply before you act.
Especially for cultivators, don't waste any resources like Time & Efforts in frivolous and mindless or senseless actions.

As Wn above, he sort of burnt all his boats where Pure Karma is concerned. 
Anyway, his only hope is Root Guru, Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng! :)

With Root Guru's guidance and his own sincere and diligent efforts, he might be able to succor himself in this lifetime.


Until you see facial changes for the better, YOU ARE NOT ENTIRELY CLEANSE & THEREFORE NOT PURE YET!

Your Key is Continuous Diligent and Sincere Efforts in Cultivating True Buddha Dharma shared by Shizun!

To those that go slander Pure Karma and Lotuschef after you stop participating in Pure Karma's activities, we wish you all well and hope that you all continue to cultivate sincerely and diligently what Shizun shares. :)

For those that chose to walk away from Pure Karma, only SZ can help you or successful yogi that SZ named publicly! 
Chasing Vajra-masters is not a wise choice at all, Enlightened or not, also can't help you.

SZ + your very own efforts, only!

See the Enlightened ones going around doing Fortune Deities practices?
Even leading such activities in chapters that they pronounced as Corrupt! 
So joining in the same polluted flow 同流合污!


When will You understand that $$$ & Fame is not what a Yogi should crave?

Absolute or 100% Trust & Faith in your own Root Guru, your all will be taken care of by SZ & all Divinities! 

What more do you need or What more do you think you need?

Hahaha! Enlightened? Definitely NOT Fully or Completely!

Once again, Pure Karma welcomes Sincere & Diligent Cultivators, those that have left and went to chase whatever sentient goals or beings, please continue your pursuits.

Pure Karma and Lotuschef have no time and resources to waste on anyone bend on Private Agendas of Self Enhancement.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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