Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Land Formation - Snake or Crocodile Head.

Hi all,

In PK3's dream on the morning of the MH730's disappearance, there are snakes together with floating sad & blank-faced spirits.

Dream: Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: Timeline of events on Flight MH370

[PK3:this is scary, just the night before the announcement in the news, i saw in the dream many helpless ghost in the sea with snakes around (perhaps symbolising dragons of the sea).

i was shocked but the ghosts were just there with sad and blank face and didn't run to catch me. Otherwise i would scream lol.
dunno if it's that dream. i will put the announcement.]

Now look at the land formation of North Sumatra closely.

It resembles a snake's or crocodile's head, agree?

This is oil spill near Vietnam.

Does it resembles centipedes or millipedes?

Some reports said the "plane malfunction".

Can someone forget to close up the inlet valve to the plane's fuel tank?

Now Calculate: 
Assuming the plane really Drifted to Malacca Straits, that is.

With data from certain authorities -
Approximate time the plane sighted in Malacca Straits.
Wind directions and strength or Wind speed
Longitude & Latitude of plane's location at that Time
Approximate weight of plane with load
Distance from Ground level

I am not an expert in these fields, however, calculation of this type should yields the the location of the plane's drift.

Any object free-falling from heights, its landing point or contact with ground can be calculated.
Hahaha! We were taught Latitude & Longitude & Windspeed & etc. in secondary schools.
That was back in 1971-2.
Really can't recall the intricacy of these anymore.

Human lives at stakes and we should try and reach them as early as possible, agree?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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