
Sunday, March 16, 2014

法眼与狮子座 Dharma Eye & Lion Pose, Simha Kriya

Hi Fa-Shi,

Just watched SZ's speech on yesterday. 
He mentioned the way to practice 法眼[Dharma Eye] that need to in 狮子座 lion pose.

I saw this in youtube. 
Is this the way to sit as lion pose?


Dear all, 
Please check out this link too!

This pose can have variations too! 

The main thing is not doing this pose to develop Dharma Eye, but have you built enough fundamentals to go "open" Dharma Eye?

You need good "Qi Mobilization" for one, can you do so?

Next, are you nimble enough to form this pose? :)

The 8 variations that I shared with Pure Karma's members, most can't even flex their arms or bend their torso as instructed, because their shoulder joints are "locked" and likewise, other parts of their body!


Yes! I pour Icy water over your enthusiastic fire!

But I am just Telling the Truth as It Is! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef 

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