
Sunday, March 2, 2014

背叛师尊 Betraying Shizun?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Mengkhianati Guru?

LC: Fire puja is great!
See the photos, the bin nearest to us n ys n I watching it, is the bardo bin. lots of light orbs!
no wonder SZ said if I charge too little then I will do bardo packs non-stop!

CN :hehehe
and the fire looks very nice, or was it the camera?

LC : well? lets wait for those from yy
today SC is very dark n laden with many stuff
CY is angry n waiting to pick quarrel
both very negative

CN : even during fire puja hor

LC: ya. sad lol. their negative attitude spoils the party

the 2 I wrote before SZ's speech is very well read

today's SZ speech also supporting me all the way

He said the QZ, in Tibet many say he is Milarepa's reincarnation.
So this Milarepa - not SZ said one?
or to SZ, he is not anymore, or can't link back to his Milarepa's state?

CN : exactly
i heard that: "many said that he is milarepa's incarnation"
not GM

LC: Getting interesting lol!
And my article about him also pretty hard hitting! : I am real evil

The lian discipline - heard that SZ said when he attain Buddha hood he is Wei Guang Fo - Wei means very tops n guang is light - so may be supreme light buddha
they said he has a temple of sorts in USA called Wei Guang

Why did he betrays SZ?
Core probably made life too hard for him out of jealousy n he can't withstand them like moir! hehe

CN : if my memory is correct, i read that he was in-charge of the finance of TBS at that time
so he misused the fund

the Waken Ray Tseng temple in california was built by using GM's money but he took it with him when he left TBS
i met him several times

see the list of the address at the bottom of the page
he snatched some branches of TBS with him as well

LC :Wa. SZ don't mind about the $$ lol!
Why did he take the $$ in the first place?
When u ask, SZ will give to u. No need to "Cheat" or "Steal"
Core has something to do with these! I am sure!

SZ wrote in some books that it is ok if they take n don't return but those by his sides make much fuss.
sometimes stopping SZ from giving loan to students in need

his name is now Yu
he was pretty famous with his attainment as well
i bet so many in the core were jealous of him
i agree, don't have to steal or cheat, just ask and GM will give

CN: : your lotuschef lama fb page starts to attract westeners liao

CN : it is sad that after he left, he wrote a book to defame GM and distributed it worldwide

LC : He has a shortness of breath n can't really reach Nirvana in cultivation
his only solution is to go ask SZ's forgiveness. Then do repentance
People that betrayed SZ always go defame him!

CN: GM said that some time ago
he would definitely forgive and receive him back
if only he would go back to repent

LC : yes. thats a True Buddha! Magnanimous

CN: ah people, they treat samaya in tantra like a toy

LC: thats why this one if don't say sorry in this lifetime, will not link back to the wei guang fo
Some people think that slandering SZ will make them famous
but their slanders are false and also sentient fabrications hurled against a Buddha

CN: yes, so the clone would be lost

LC : If core hit me, then I go set up my own n bring SZ down meh?
stupid lol. Without Root Guru can't link back liao

CN: i wonder what did they learn in TBS

LC: Today SZ supports my saying Absolute Trust n faith in root guru

CN : or haven't they learned by reading books either

LC: I have been saying these for ages

CN : w/o faith, you can just forget it at all

LC: you even said it is hard to have this kind of absolute faith in Root Guru

CN : hahahaha, omg, what a real slap for awakening

LC : u told me that u admire my absolute faith n trust in SZ

CN : i did
you're a living example!

LC : this is the crucial Key in Maha Perfection!!!
so i have been harping maha perfection keys to you all, all these times too!!! hehe

CN: i would wonder that all the texts i read always refers to the accomplishment of guru yoga as the REQUIRED base

external guru yoga, internal guru yoga, and secret guru yoga
all these stuff have started to make sense now

LC : ai yo! don't trust guru 100% then how to yoga la

CN : exactly
that's why i said you're such a living example

LC : hahaha! so who am I?

CN : before knowing you, i didn't see any role model to learn from
many things to clarify as well

LC : not many appreciate my sharing though :)

CN : because to read and have extensive knowledge is nothing w/o true action

LC : today's speech said u can have family and cultivate comfortably, no need the hard life style at all. Can enjoy life too.
I think I am good example of "Enjoying Life" hahaha

CN : lol, i was laughing at that part too!

LC : that's why Core also can't do anything with me! 
I just couldn't be bothered with their sentient games

CN : the faces of people in core
i wonder. how come they were elected to become the "core" of tbs

LC: today when we about to start qi gong, someone talks about Swinging hands 甩手. in the midst of this, SZ showed me an exercise! :)

CN : new moves

LC : first starts to curry favor with Shimu lol. like 2 pretend to cooperate n be her slave

ya. just swing both arms backwards and kneel, then as you swing forward rise
that's all - that is swing hands 甩手

SZ shows me how to swing arms right n then left all the way backwards slowly, twisting the waist
so we did first the one that SZ taught me n then the swing hands one too
SZ is real playful lol!

CN : twistig the waist is a very good yoga movement as well

LC : he is supposed to be having dinner around 6:50pm, but come play with us!

CN : especially for those who sit a lot
hahhahaha ya hor
gm sayang you all :)

LC : i hungry - so went to grab some cereals with almonds n milk

SZ really ensures that I am well-fed n comfortable! hehe

SZ said One who attains Maha Perfection like Tilopa or whoever, can snap of a fish head n this act actually delivers the fish's spirit to pure land

but when I said the same thing, people said I bluff n so on .....:)

CN : that required some faith and understanding of tantra literature
otherwise people would call it mysticism and illogical hahahaha
i m off for beauty sleep maman dear :)

LC: Me2


Dear all,
What is the Definition of Betraying Shizun in your eyes and in Core's eyes?


As per Buddha Dharma, and the latest Maha Perfection Dharma shared by Shizun, all sentient matters are TRULY VOID OF NATURE! 

As per Zen Patriarch Hui Neng's Zen Sutra, the opposing factors are non-existent too. 
The Formless theory and the Middle path concepts!

How did SZ sees these so call "Betrayals"? 

In the recent Defamation saga, the contents were mostly the renderings of a jealous woman through the years and picked up by many students through the years too! :)

To cover Self's involvement, this jealous woman of an Ordained Monk, instigated followers to stand by SZ and take legal arms against these group of people that dare defame SZ! 

Now Core, I have heard much about their jealousies too!!
So they ganged up to chase away those that SZ announces and named as reincarnation of holy persons or divinities!

Now from another angle:-
SZ said if you achieved Guru Yoga, you will know the Elemental & also Ultimate Truth!
At this stage, One would never betray one's Root Guru! 

SZ said: True Buddha Dharma is True and not Fake/False. 真佛密法真实不虚!

But, one needs to cultivate diligently as per SZ's teachings and guidance.
See evidence of any in Core's members?

Therefore, Core did a GOOD & Great Job in "cleaning up" ? 

However, sentient mindset of Core and their jealousies created great negative Karma in that they hinder people with Great Potential to Attainment of Buddhahood!!!

In Lotuschef's case, Core actually use lame reasons to try to get rid of Lotuschef.
  1. Alleged that articles by Lotuschef instigate people to leave TBS and made them lost faith in SZ.
    At the same time, harming others' wisdom lives!
    The thing is they don't understand the True meaning of a Zen Dialogue and also what is meant by Wisdom Life!!!
  2. They alleged that Lotuschef's vow of only listening to SZ, her Root Guru, is treasonous. They think that Lotuschef has to listen to and obey them, a group of sentient ignorants! 
  3. They added disruption of Sangha Assembly's harmony too! 


With SZ's latest speech, a Most Important Key of Maha Perfection Dharma is ABSOLUTE TRUST AND FAITH IN ONE'S ROOT GURU!

Yes! Ironical that people think that they have titles of Vajramasters, they are doing administration, they can ACT GOD! 

These people in Core actually are betraying SZ too! 
The are preaching their own sentient mindsets and deductions and Wields "Power" to suppress and eliminate any opposing party who are Pro-SZ! 


SZ vowed not to sue anyone, but Core went ahead to start legal proceeding Purportedly on SZ's behalf! 

Doing or forcing actions that are against one's root guru's will or vows, Core actually breached Samaya vows with SZ and also betrays SZ.

Buddha Dharma teaches One to look at each matter OBJECTIVELY, and FROM MORE THAN ONE ANGLE! 

Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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