
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bardo Deliverance for One's Own Karmic Negatives 超度本身的怨亲债主 [1]

Pure Karma offers Bardo services for various types of these requests.

All must take Refuge in Padmakumara, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng, our Root Guru.

For the newly departed, applies to them and their Karmic enemies as well.

We do not accept Bardo Services request of the individual only!

For those alive, and wish to give their Karmic enemies a send-off, they and their karmic enemies must Take Refuge with our Root Guru.

This applies to Fetus Spirits too. Parents need to take refuge as well as the fetus spirits.

Pure Karma would like to hereby clarify some misconceptions with regards to Bardo Deliverance of One's Karmic Enemies or Fetus Spirits.

We do not guarantee that your Karmic foes or Fetus Spirits will forgive you and leave or consent to be delivered! 



Like the Dedication packs to Karmic Foes which was $38/pack.
We have seen many "abusing" the purpose of these packs.

Their mentality is that as long as they do this dedication, they can continue to create negative karma!
Sad to say that these people have seen their negative karma returning upon them.

Likewise the Bardo deliverance packs for one's karmic foes from this & past lifetimes, paying for the packs do not automatically guarantee that you will be cleanse of negatives!

We advise that you cultivate sincerely and say sorry sincerely to your Karmic foes from all lifetimes!

YES! Pure Karma do not like to do Bardo Deliverance for Individual's Karmic Foes indiscriminately even if you can pay our prices.

We are not Religious Cheats and just collect your money and do your requests!
Then you accused us of Failing to deliver as promised.


Remember, Pure Karma is sincere in helping all, but we also expect parties that come forward are sincere too!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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