
Monday, March 3, 2014

莲厨聊天 - 悟 或 误?[2] Enlightened or Not?

These are from a friend that has been a Medium as in providing Consultation when they Raised Spirit 起灵!

YT: 空性是顿悟的前提, 心造乃幻化, 空性即可明心, 明心就能见性!
Void Nature is the Precursor to Instantaneous Realization,

Heart creation from Imaginary Transformation
Void Nature presence brings about Realization of Heart
With Realization of Heart, One can see own Nature!
(Note this Nature means Individual's very own Buddha Natrue.)

Realization of Heart and Seeing one's own Nature, means Realized Path and Attain Buddhahood.

YT: 不知道对不对? 请师父多多提点和教诲 阿弥陀佛!
Don't know whether right or not? Can Master give more pointers and teaching please?

Lotuschef Lama: 哈哈哈! 请问如何为空?
Hahaha! Question, what is consider "VOID"?

YT : 不为心所想, 心是自由的! 放下不执着。空性无法论! 不可说。
Not dependent on Heart to think, Heart is Free! Set down and Not Fixated.
Void Nature no means to discuss! Cannot express in speech.

Lotuschef Lama: 慧能的无相论? 你问 ( 不知道对不对? 请师父多多提点和教诲. 阿弥陀佛!)
Hui Neng's No Form Theory?
You ask : [Don't know whether right or not? Can Master give more pointers and teaching please?

Amituofo! ]

Lotuschef Lama: 慧能- 不思善, 不思恶! 中观正见?
Hui Neng's - No Thoughts of Good and No Thoughts of Evil! The Middle Path Concept?

Lotuschef Lama: 你说: 不为心所想, 心是自由的! 放下不执着。空性无法论! 不可说。
You said: Not dependent on Heart to think, Heart is Free! Set down and Not Fixated.

Void Nature no means to discuss! Cannot express in speech.
Then where is [Heart]?

送你:无心道人。 :) :) :)
Gift to you: A Master of the Path without a Heart! :) :) :)

你回答了自己! = [空性无法论! 不可说!]
You answered your own question! = [Void Nature no means to discuss! Cannot express in speech.]



[开宗明义四大问 明心见性为正事 明心方知体广大 心造诸法皆幻化]

Opening School/sector comprehend meaning, Four big questions
Comprehend Heart, Sight Nature consider as Proper Matter
Comprehend Heart then can know Body/Form's Widespreadly Large
All Dharma/methods created by Heart are Transformation of Imagination


亲爱的读者们, 请用以下来参以上4句有否开悟:-
Dear readers, use the following and you will know whether the above verse bespeak Enlightenment:-

Hui Neng's No Form Theory

 慧能- 不思善, 不思恶! 中观正见。
Hui Neng's - No Thoughts of Good and No Thoughts of Evil! The Middle Path Concept.

华严经里叙述的[广]; 经里的开悟论点。。。
Avatamsaka sutra's details of [Widespread]; Enlightening concepts and theory with the sutra....


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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