
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

你的残忍是我的慈悲 Your Cruelty Is Compassion to Me

Thanks to VM Jing Xiang and Lian Ying Fashi, I noticed something that I took for granted all these while! :)


I am wearing what I wear in Singapore!

Except for a neck scarf,  Shizun also has very little additional clothing on despite the cold weather!

Look at what all others are wearing around us, SZ & me lol!

I think I ought to give thanks to my ex-spouse, who hired Black-magic casts on me!

I shared the series on topic of Kundalini.

The black magic seems to be the Traumatic stimuli, strong or severe enough to Trigger open my Kundalini! Hahaha!

The Cruelty of people that pays for Black Magic to be cast on others, to hurt/harm/kill others, actually has the very opposite effect of shocking or triggering Kundalini to be initiated in some of their target victims!

One's cruelty can be compassion or salvation in their victims perspective too.

If you read enough of what happened to SZ after Black magic attacks, you would realized that SZ actually learn and triumph over these attacks and emerges stronger and sturdier after each one!

These experiences although some are very lethal were neutralized and SZ shared method or Dharma of overcoming Black Magic with us!

See the middle-path viewpoint of No Good No Evil?

Everything returns to a Universal Balance!


Remember also that what SZ shares all possible and if SZ can, then you can too, if you adhere to his sharings & teachings!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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