
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

SZ on Various Categories of Suffering & Their Solutions

02/22/2014 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection Dzogchen by Grand Master Lu-Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple
English link:

Suffering from :
1. 爱别离 - Love Separation. People you love most left you or departed. Or separated by vast distance and you can't see them daily or often.

2.  厌憎恚- People you don't like or hate, kept hovering in front of you all the time。

3. 求不得 - Wish Unfulfilled. 
However, even if your wish if fulfilled, you will then worry about loosing.
So even having what you wish for, you will also have Suffering in the form of worrying about Loss!

The following are 3 categories of Removing Suffering of Worry & Troublesome thoughts.

1. 小乘Hinayana -直接断 Severe Immediately  - 远离红尘 Leave Sentient scenario and find a place where you won't see cars, tall buildings, pretty girls, handsome men, ...
You eliminate these from your sight.
Your sight only consist of temple. Buddhas & Boddhisattvas & forests.

When you cannot see then you can eliminate Suffering of Worrying & Troublesome thoughts.
This is to ISOLATE SELF! 

2. 大乘 Mahayana - 转化 Transform. 
Making use of Mahayana's Boddhicitta to Transform.

Looking downwards - example - when you are driving a Honda and you see a cyclist or a motor-biker, next to you, you feel you are in a better position.
Just don't look at anyone driving a bigger and more expensive car then you!
You Feel Great! :)

When you see those handicapped or ill, your sympathetic and compassionate heart arises, and you feel you are so much more fortunate.
At least you are healthy and well. 

With comparison and mutual exchange of status methods, you gradually develop Boddhicitta and at the same time achieved transformation of Suffering of worry and troublesome thoughts.

When you see your Karmic Foes, you would think, they are like me, they also have Buddha Nature.
You will also think about them being Affinities from past lives.
Love and Hate also give rise to Suffering of worry & troublesome thoughts, which perpetuated the Karmic affinities of good and bad.

Have Affinity then gather together and no affinity, just separate, but do not need to love or hate.
At this juncture, we termed as Transformation.

**This is actually the Principle of No Birth No Death or Non Arising and No Subsiding, agree? :)

When your Boddhicitta arises, it is actually Charitable sharing base on Equality!
You can engulf or embrace and harmonize all love or hate.

3. 金刚乘 Vajrayana - 以烦恼为用 -认清烦恼 是空性. Making use of Suffering of Worry and Perceived Clearly that these have NO NATURE or Void of Nature.

Example: Student asked SZ to help him clear his Suffering of Worry. 
SZ said: bring forward these Suffering then.
Student: I can't bring them out.
SZ said: Since you can't bring them forward then your suffering has been cleared.
Upon Student turning to leave, SZ said to him, don't forget the Ang-pow (token of appreciation for help rendered).
SZ laughs at this point. 

幻身幻受 本来是 空性 - Imaginary Body Imaginary Experiences are originally Void of Nature.

In Maha Perfection, you understand the True Nature of Suffering is Void, You use this to eliminate all Suffering. 

SZ said Ambassador Liao, can see Precious Blue color light, means he has arrived at a level of enlightenment. At this point, he has achieved Purity of Body Speech Mind. 
Also his Heart & Body can feel extreme Joy and Happiness.

This strength generated enables one to see through all Suffering and won't be affected by Suffering anymore. This is Use Suffering as a method to eliminate Suffering!

Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited from Notes of Lotuschef

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