Wednesday, February 12, 2014

博士们,你能[过关斩将]吗?Professors, Can You All Clear All Hurdles Ahead?

Painting by Johann Peter Krafft from “The Enemy at the Gate” (Bridgeman Art Library)

过关斩将, 比喻不断战胜对手与克服困难.

[过关斩将] guo guan zhan jiang - means passing through gates and killing or eliminating the army generals in charge of these gates. 
Use to describe Clearing hurdles (Gates) ahead or in your way.

This article was in my mind for quite some time and it took meeting with a Harvard graduate to ignite putting my thoughts into words! :)

Met Lian Ying, Japanese Fashi, recently, and VM JX told me that he has many scholastic achievements.
Later a fellow student told me that Lian Ying is a Harvard Graduate!

Hahaha! Whats the big deal?

Well, Shi-mu gathered a pool of Professors and they were always being welcome in the opening introduction together with the VIPs before event proper commences.
Likewise, Shizun was given a list of their names to be read out in form of welcome!

What's the relevance of bringing forth this Pool of Professors?

Showing Off, mostly! 
This is very sentient minded, as the motive is to show the world that TBS has a pool of professional eagles that believe in Shizun!

However, what can this pool of Professors do in terms of Tantric Cultivation for themselves and all Sentient Beings?


Now lets look back and check out all those that for some reason were being mentioned by Shizun during Live-cast!

See how many pass the test of EGO or Pride which are derivatives of 3 poisons of Ignorance; Greed and Aversion? :)

YES! Like the recent one that I wrote about, the Milarepa reincarnation! :)

The Organizer of the Usnisa Vijaya Event in Taipei, expanding much resources but Continuous Rain fouled up the whole event. 
Most attendees were miserable as they were wet and cold and uncomfortable!

A survey of the attendees will reveal that most didn't even hear SZ's speech clearly for one reason or another.

I was seated on the left wing building of the altar, the attendees voices from chatting, over-shadowed the sound of Shizun's speech. 

Now, what others believe in does not mean this pattern will be easily mimic by one and all, agree?

Why do you think having Professors as fellow students will be a great draw to others to become students too?

In this case. we glean that Shi-mu and those that are in agreement with her ideas or programmes are very Sentient Minded as the are not well versed with Buddha Dharma and the Meaning of Affinity, agree?

Now from another view. Making these Professors appeared to be "Apples of SZ's Eyes", creates the Negative emotion of ENVY in others and also in turn makes the majority of Non-Professor, feels inferior as well! 

Just like the VM's title in TBS, which instead of being Teachers of Vajrayana, they all become slaves to Money, Adulation, Power, Pride, .....

What a great price to pay in terms of Karmic Influences, agree?

Being "Classed" as VIP means more to you than learning Authentic Buddha Dharma from Shizun, a Living Buddha?


Having your names announced twice during events boost your EGO so much?
You enjoy these boosts very much?

Sakyamuni pointed to a pit of Gold and said he see poisonous snakes, while sentient eyes see GOLD! 

Bear in mind always that SZ keeps reminding all that- Karma is One's own responsibility 因果自付.

Now, settle down and think: You truly want to learn Authentic Buddha Dharma from a Living Buddha or you just want to broadcast your sentient achievements?

Do you want to be able to take control of your own destiny as in Life and Death, and break free from Samsara cycles Once and for all?

O! If you are observant enough, you might have notice at one time or another that VM JX & Fashi LY, mostly stay out of limelight? 

VM JX is one that can teach Vajra Boxing as she has the lineage pass on to her by Shizun.
She also does "wen-shi" and has medical knowledge too! 

Remember the 5 knowledges that SZ said are requisites of True Yogi and characteristics of Buddhas?

Medical Knowledge is one of the 5.

On 3rd day of CNY, SZ said he shares [不是佛法的佛法 - not Buddha Dharma's Buddha Dharma]!

What does SZ means?
Clue: SZ said many times: Everything we do is Cultivation! 

Big Use 大用 - Buddha Dharma can also be applied to Everything we do!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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