
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lotuschef on Disciplines 戒律

In the above picture, see how many were sitting in the rain, because they were ordered to do so and also because they think that obeying orders from VMs mean they are abiding Disciplines!

Sad! Buddha did not teach you to torture yourself and also never teach you to hand over control of Self to Anyone!

A reverend joked about Disciplines being very severe for those that make Boddhisattva's vow in a ceremony, vowing to abide by Boddhisattva's Disciplines 菩萨戒。

I jokingly said: Big brother, please do not frighten the girls. Reverend has about 500 of these disciplines but I can't remember One!

The VM with us, said: Disciplines are for those naughty ones 不乖的人, not those that are living these disciplines already in their every day life or practicing these disciplines daily!


Am I Doom?

Recently at a dinner table, there were 5 male reverends dining with me. 2 by my side and 3 facing me.

The centre one facing me, seems to be the "Big Brother 大哥" of these group.
He kept saying as long as we abide Buddha Dharma & Disciplines, we need not be bothered about what others threaten us with.

:) I told him, I do not perceived any threats at all.

This Big Brother kept on and on, also commenting on my praise of Chung Tai Zen Monastery and the ambiance created by their reverends.

His view is that having TBS is enough. There should not be anything outside TBS.

Also his weighting Disciplines very heavily, to the point of forcing others to accept his stance, show die-hard fixation and a very narrow-minded view.

Hahaha! I did a quick scan of him and the others!
The 2 beside him on his left and right has pretty shining aura, and the 2 to my right pretty dull.
As to our Big Brother?
Well, he has lots of worries written on his forehead and in his eyes!

Again, SZ's words come to mind: I don't like to be Big Brother!

Isn't SZ amazing?


Dear all,
Great Power or Control = Great Responsibilities!

These are what SZ compassionately warned us against!

So, You ended up paying the price for what You Craved!

Don't ramp Disciplines down any one's throat or threaten them with severity of Disciplines!
Because when you do that, You are the one that really Breaches Buddha's teachings and Disciplines!!!

Comprenez vous?
Do you understand?

[明白了, 放下了,等于得到!]
Understand already, Let go already, Equals to attainment!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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