
Friday, February 21, 2014

Lotuschef in Registration for 太歲 and seeking some advice

Hi 蓮廚法師,
I would like to register for 太歲, pls let me know the amount to pay.

I also would like to seek advice from fashi on some family problem.
My brother recently got an disorder name syringomyelia. 
His leg and arm got very weak and becoming worse. 
He has gone thru operation but did not help. 
This condition impact him greatly both physically and mentally. 
He got very depress and all of us feel very lost for not able to do anything to help.

Would like to seek advice from fashi how to help him to get better. 
 I always do 逈向to him after each of my prayer ( 修法) and also register for him the recent 尊勝佛母的法會 in Taiwan. So far it does not seen to be able to help.

Pls help to advise. Thank you very very much.


Hi dear
1. Taisui - incense pack is $12 & the Fu for protection is $18
Total - 30.
I need name and address of who wants to do this dedication.

2. About your brother, I need more details.

A. what did the doctors said?

B. Is he also a student of Grandmaster Lu? 
You can write to SZ in Taiwan. 
Asking for blessing at the same time.
The recent Zun Sheng fahui in Taipei?
Continuous rain caused the fahui to be a flop.

C. I can ask TCM specialist for you. - in terms of spinal stuff, muscles and bones, I believe sometimes Acupuncture can do the trick in relieving pain in most patients.
It is a good form of pain management.

D. you can guiyi his karmic negatives for him, if he has guiyi Shizun already. 
Else do for both.
Then do offering from him to his karmic in saying sorry.
Of course if he can chant say Shizun mantra in dedication will be better.

E. If he can come for fire puja, would be even better.

F. He has to stay in a good "Mood" as agitation only creates more unwanted activities in his spinal system only.

Maybe chant Gao Wang Sutra and concentrate on words of the sutra, word by word, can relax and take his mind off his discomfort.

A positive outlook would help him heaps.

Xiufa n dedicate merits - must for his karmic negative n not just for him.

I have written to TCM practitioner and actually needs more details of his condition now after surgery and maybe he goes and consult with xrays or scans reports n medical reports,

As this is a very specialise field, I do not have any personal skills to help your brother medically.

I only know that when we suffer, its due to negative karma accumulated in this or past lifetime.

Remember to Write to SZ please.:)

If you need reference to TCM, I have a group of friends that are good doctors.

Ask your brother first what he wants to do.
Give up or fight to be healthy!
Don't let himself down mentally!


Dear all, 
Shizun said - seek Medical treatment first! 
Then you can also ask for blessing from him.

Knowing Karma's characteristics - Say sorry and pay up your karmic debts.

We can help only for those that Genuinely wants to help themselves and willing to say sorry. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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