
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lotuschef in Chance Meeting 巧遇

Terjemahan Indonesia: Ditakdirkan Bertemu

Dear all, look at the photos carefully please.
I am the one that is wearing very little! :)
O! Weather-man said 9 degree Celsius!

Its a real un-explainable kind of meeting with this VM!
I met her pretty often too
The last round she took business class on the HSR and walk to the cabin I was sitting and gave me a cup of tea.

Anyway, today she came up to me outside Starbucks and invited me to have coffee with her.
I asked her, who she is.
:) she said I am Jing Xiang Shang Shi.

She was all wrapped up with spectacles too.
When she took off her cap & I had a closer look, I recognize her!


Told her I need to watch fellow students' stuff and also just had breakfast so asked her to carry on without me.

I continued to sit cross-legged looking at videos on my mobile.

Her assistant, the tall lanky fashi, Lian Ying, came over and talked to me for a while and he asked why I wear so little, don't I feel cold?

I said I am warm enough and said our SZ also the same, no need much warmth clothing in winter.:)

At some time during the chat,, he drew out a round biscuit and gave to me.
Then Em appeared before he can hand over the biscuit.
So he drew another from his pockets!

Then Ke followed by Shan & Sry came back, he drew out 3 and emptied his pockets!
He said: he bought these from HSR station in Taichung, only have 3 pcs all give to us!

I told the girls to greet him and told him the girls came for Pusa-jie ceremony.
He said: O! Pusa jie has strict disciplines and they are in for big troubles!

I chided him saying: big brother, please don't frighten the girls la.

He then left and after a while, then VM came out and sat down next to me.
She said I am real something as her fashi praised me for being able to keep warm in cold weather, whereas they both wore long sleeves yellow turtle-necks!
Also has neck scarf as well!

She said he don't praise people much and it's a rare matter for him to praise anyone.

She started to tell me I can do Wen-shi or consultation already with my Heavenly Eye!
[I actually jokingly said: Hah? Heavenly Eyes! :)]

I told her I discourage wen-shi n charges $300 for 20mins session.
However, I will teach them how to help themselves by cultivation, which is free of charge.

She then remembered she heard something like this in Malaysia.
She said: O! so you are the one they are talking about!

She told us that her yidam is thousand arms n eyes avalokitesvara
Had a long chat n she got my mobile and said she coming to SG this April!

We also chatted about our interest in visiting her temple in Japan
She said to contact her fashi n can arrange
Her fashi came n join us again.


She sort of scanned me and then asked her fashi to do so,
then after the fashi reported what he glean, 
she came out and have a closer look and start asking me questions n continue the scan!!!

interesting encounter!!


TT: lol, both of you, good friends of fudo-sama :D

oh 1000 hands 1000 eyes avalokiteshvara, ya ya no wonder i remember some yearssss ago when she was invited to Dayin temple to conduct usnisawijaya puja, she spread her hands forming the movement like 1000 arms :)

wah you're famous hor! everyone knows you hahahaha.

her fashi was the old man with doctorate degree from harvard, that time he asked whether he should speak in english or chinese; unfortunately the crowd asked him to be in chinese and i've got no chance to converse with him.
he spoke about the ksitigarbha sutra project or something like that.

and 2 years ago GM sent you, a fully-able english speaking golden haired boy to me lol.

so, next time we go to japan, we can visit her temple in osaka, it's one of a kind temple too.
i didn't have the chance to visit it last time either, but looking at the photos when GM visited there, it is a very nice environment.


PK: Ya! the fashi is a learned person and he needs a dose of Craziness or madness from moir lol!
at least he still can joke with us! :)

but he very protective of VM & really take care of her well
to him, being 2nd doesn't matter an iota!

he learned mandarin even though he is japanese.
so he speaks english well too in this case lol, being from Harvard!

Our Tok Chef is Haward n not True Harvard!!!

Ya. Acala is the link! :)
the thing is they come look at me in turns, very cute lol

1st VM then Fashi, then VM just sat down n chat, then the fashi also come and stay and chat too!

This fashi don't like to CHAT!
Man of very few words too! :)
Me n the girls are indeed very likable hor!

but its like SZ giving me a message : You can do wenshi, with your heavenly eye ........
that part is a bit spooky as I thought I hide "my eyes" well!


TT: hehehe, ya hor.
from the same avalokiteshvara who perhaps also taught her the heavenly eyes.
eyes are everywhere :)


PK: ya. avalokitesvara taught me how to concentrate & beam light from one of the eyes.
we have plenty of eyes too and most don't know even after SZ said: whole body full of eyes!

Anyway, I told her I don't want to be like SZ, attending to about 3 to 4 hundreds "wen-shi" a day.
Waste time too as most don't go follow your advice, but go ask around some more!!!

Some expect immediate solution to their problems or Become rich instantly!!!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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