
Monday, February 3, 2014

Lotuschef at Play - Enlightenment & Sentient Possession

SZ said that "You don't owe me and I don't owe you, you don't have to take refuge with me."

On another occasion: "You don't need to admire me as Lu Sheng Yan, but learn from Living Buddha Lian Sheng."

SZ also said recently he has renounced almost all sentient material and matter except for a few.

What's my point?

Look at the students eagerly kneeling and awaiting "Mo-ding" after each event in Caotun Temple.
Look at those that eagerly come to Caotun Temple from all over the world to attend SZ's events.

In the recent event, there were some that are not student that came upon recommendation by students and about 10 of them are friends of Pure Karma's regulars.


YY: They are stealing my Fans!
[YY is a reverend and he has a pool of followers which he classified as Fans!]

LC: Do you really have Fans?
[I started a Zen Dialogue upon SZ's "go ahead" nod.]

Note: to this reverend, Fans are fellow students that follows him or give offering to him. These offering to him represent Live Support for his daily needs.

Many got replies from SZ for their "Enlightenment Arrows" and this reverend is just one amongst many.
SZ said he is near the borderline and told him to continue to work hard to Full Realization or Enlightenment.

Hahaha! I had a great time "playing" with him!

I reminded him that in Cultivation, it all depends on Self Efforts and Diligence.

Fans are Sentient Possession that he has to "Let Go". 

Fans are also fellow students and sentient beings that we have to Treat As Equal. - Wisdom of Equality!
No one should treat any other being as lowly servants or slaves.
No one should look down on others, because of their sentient status in life!

Please go and revise the 10 Attributes of a True Yogi written by SZ, in the book "Sword of the Yogi".
All those VMs, Reverends, Chapters Bosses,... dishonestly stole from SZ and respective chapters!
They are headed for Vajra or Timeless Hell or the 3 Lower Realms as per White Tara!

No Segregation & Differentiation:- the reverend classified fellow students as HIS fans! 

Body Speech Mind are your representation and they tell "your story" very clearly and precisely too. :)
Enlightenment? Still far away, as this reverend got entangled again by Sentient Mud.

The Announced Enlightened Ones?
Well, see for yourself!

I had a real close-up glance at our Thubten Ksiti Rinpoche.
You can also add him to your list of who to compare those you think are Enlightened and Authority of Buddha Dharma with, and of course SZ is the First on this list!

The shining warmth like the Sun that brings you warmth, security, comfort, brightness and joy!
That's what you should feel, and use as a gauge when you are still learning, and help you from dropping into traps of greedy and unscrupulous beings.

 SZ said that Maitreya Bodhisattva promised to provide for his and his family livelihood and sure enough, he has ample to live with and surplus too to be charitable.
The Sheng Yen Lu Foundation is only one such channel for the surplus, as well as Lotus Light Charity branches world-wide.

ME? I have also been well looked after and still am, by SZ and Divinities!

Reverend YY still lacks Absolute Believe & Trust in SZ!

Another fellow student, pretty senior one,  was sitting in this group chat.
She asked: How does SZ talks to you?

Hahaha! In her question, I realized that she has still fail to Yoga with Guru!

Dear all, having too doubtful a mindset is detrimental to your cultivation.
Just as thinking too much and thinking you are being intelligent!

Wisdom is truly a different kettle of fish and what more Universal wisdom of all Buddhas!

Cultivation as per SZ starts with your cleansing yourself of unwholesome thoughts and behaviour/habits! [31-1-2014]

自空 - Void Self
他空 - Void Others

These are keys to revealing your own Buddha nature!

I humbly suggest that you listen FIRST and DIGEST before you butt into any conversation!
Being too hasty to add your take, you revealed how Unstable and Hasty you are, not giving yourself Time to Absorb and Analyse.

I noticed many writing down SZ's speech, word for word, then they chat with someone, then they missed some parts of SZ's speech,, then they get frustrated and agitated and eventually they felt real unhappy because they think they lost their chances to learn from SZ.

In all this process, this person is too busy with OWN AGENDA to truly pay full attention to SZ.
They got trapped by themselves and the Chain of Thoughts & Reactions they churned on their own.

I remember advising all to Listen Attentively first and if you missed or think you missed out any part, you can always wait for the written transcribe or watch the recorded video.
No loss at all!

Know that when you are busily writing, YOUR MIND is Occupied and you can't absorb the True Essences that SZ wants to share with you!

Do you know that for those that are not meant to hear or benefit from SZ's teachings & sharings, they either can't attend or sleep through the speech!

Hahaha! No Kidding!

Most offer to reverends or Sanghas, as it is meritorious to do so.
They will be bless by Buddhas, as  Sanghas are part of the Triple Gem of Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

However, you must offer to True Sanghas as well as True & Authentic Buddhas! 

Go bring out your knowledge of Buddha Dharma and have FUN.
What more can you pick up from the reverend's outlook?
I didn't reveal all, else you all will be busy guessing!

Hahaha! Yes! Most get diverted by being "busy-body" minded and waste time guessing at who is the one I am writing about!

Don't waste time on unimportant matters, please! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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