
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

点光明灯 Lighting Brightness Lamp

The relevance of [Lighting Brightness Lamp] were amongst one of the questions put to SZ on the 3rd day of Chinese New Year, the location from the video looks like the Literary Centre in Wufeng.


SZ didn't give a direct answer to this one though!

Why am I or Pure Karma do this again & again, in dedication to SZ? :)

Donating or Sponsoring the upkeep of a Religious Place that shares Authentic Buddha Dharma is just the same as supporting Dharma Propagating in aid of succoring All Sentient Beings.

Dedicating the sponsorship and the merits of this donation to One's own Root Guru is a form of respect and caring, just like giving essentials for his well-being.

SZ has said it is the same as giving to him personally when you do charity in his name! :)

My Humble View: Lighting Brightness Lamps in order to enhance or maintain One's Own Well Being, is not as valuable or worthwhile as doing it for others or in honor of one's guru or parents.....
You can actually do so for All Sentient Beings, wishing all well and auspicious!

When you start to realize [Me 我] is a real gigantic hindrance to arriving at Nirvana, you would want to drop this [Me] instantly!

Bodhicitta is a Crucial Key to entering Nirvana!
Think more for others and drop SELF!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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