
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

莲厨是ilovegm网的老娘 Lotuschef is ilovegm forum's Grand Madam?



English: You have far more refinement than Grand Madam, at least you dare to speak some Truths!


In Seattle, some one called out to me: Lian Chu Fashi!

I walked closer to her and have a look at her.
I asked: Shijie, have we met before?

She said: I am a contact of your Facebook.

I said: O! I do remember seeing you but not being introduce.

She said: 你是老娘! [You are grand madam]


I said: No. I am far more refine and educated than Grand madam, right?  :)
I am fluent in Chinese, English and other languages, whereas, this Grand Madam in the ilovegm forum, has only Chinese.

Dear all,
If you read the statements written by this grand madam, she lacks knowledge of True or Authentic Buddha Dharma for one.
Her words incite readers to take up arms and obey her "war cries", to silence all those she marks as Enemies!

A person that is so filled with Aversions, a major factor of the 3 Poisons, a person that "JUST CAN"T LET GO"!
These Aversions also tell us they have been of prolong period of accumulation of more than a decade too!
A tiny dissatisfaction that snowballed into a gigantic hatred with corresponding levels of anger, for a prolong period will cause changes in Facial features to this person!
相由心生 - Form grows from one's heart.

That's why, just by looking at you or a photo of you, as per SZ: Thubten Ksiti can read every characteristics accurately for all the photos shown to him.


Lotuschef do sincerely hope that all will start to use Wisdom of Buddhas, like Wisdom of Discernment, in your daily life, to really look clearly at what others' tell you, show you or instruct you to do!

莲厨的早课 - 平等性智

This is Shizun's statement for Wisdom of Equality.

Summary: When you do not think of Good or Evil, you will discover that Sentient Beings are very lovable, watching their Fixation, their Good & Evil, their mindset of differentiation/segregation, their various emotions and actions like joy anger sorrow happiness crying jumping; you will feel it is Fun Play.


Treating them as Fun Play, then slowly guide them to Drop Fixation, Worries, Suffering, Pain and give them Happiness.



You have to truly experience layer by layer or level by level, you attained Joy & Happiness, then you attained Pure Light, generate Brightness, then arrived at Immovable Plane, then enter Nature of Equality.

At this time, your eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, will, wei-na, a-lai-ye, an-mo-luo-shi, will all be open up, you attain a form of surpass nature kind of realization, you are different from sentient being already, although living in Saha world with all human, but your viewpoint is realization that surpass nature, you are a Saint already.


NO! I am definitely not Grand Madam of ilovegm forum!!!
If I am, Core will not delist me from reverend listing.
Because Core endorses this ilovegm forum publicly!!!


Cheer all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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