
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Avatamsaka Sutra Book 37

PK: hahaha!
today, after reading 2 paragraphs [from 37 part 7 - shared this today], I closed my eyes to rest.


Started to see plenty of tiny dots of white lights then a light carousel spinning like the solar system with planets spinning around it, then all tiny dots of lights became multi-colored and sort of burst into brighter light!

what an amazing sutra!

TT: hehe must be having great affinity with this sutra :)

PK: ya. the japanese monk story from your facebook that I shared, one sector uses this sutra to cultivate

Dear all, when I started to share this sutra, I wrote about being able to merge into the scenes of this sutra!

The various scenes "followed" me where ever I go too! 

It is a real wonderful sutra that will help you lots in cultivation or just trying to find reasons to problems you encounter in daily life.

Read it and I am sure you will love it! :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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