Sunday, February 9, 2014

8-2-2014 Caotun Temple [4] - 揾食 Making a Living!

Seen below, VM LN in possession of Shizun's sling bag!
Now scrutinize the photos that follow.
Once outside the dining hall, this VM going into action of pushing SZ's sling bag
Watch him pockets Red-packets from students and he halted a while when his breast-pocket is full and also his hands, he passed these to a female student nearby and continue back to where he left off in the queue. [Took a video of this going-ons, awaiting processing.]

Look at SZ caringly going round to give blessing.

Tonight, someone asked this VM, this gongyang (means the red packets with $$$) is for Shizun or yourself? 

1. This supposedly enlightened VM, making a living with Shizun's sling bag, which he pushes out to students awaiting SZ's moding blessing, believes that SZ's personal moding blessing is Not Enough?

2. His action of handing out SZ's personal belongings for all to touch at will for Personal Income, irregardless of disrespect for his Root Guru, actually breach the 22nd September's List of Disciplines that He as Core's chairperson, broadcasted to be SZ's statements, agree?

Hahaha! Go read those lots of Disciplines again, please. 
I am very sure these Disciplines fabricated by Core or its chairperson and authorised for publication by this same chairperson, speaks loud and clear for themselves!

Note that this VM is always way ahead of SZ who is giving moding blessing One by One to students.

See below: He has the erd packets in his hands!!!

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