
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2014年農曆新春「蓮生活佛話金馬」与了凡四训 [Chinese/English]

Terjemahan Indonesia: Tahun Baru China 2014, Buddha Hidup Lian Sheng Membahas Mengenai Tahun Kuda Emas dan 4 Ajaran Liao Fan

2014 Lunar New Year (Living Buddha Lian Sheng Talks About Golden Horse) & Liao Fan's 4 Lessons

Also watch:

哈哈哈!日行一善! To Perform A charitable deed a day! 
This message I gave to the brothers that I met on the 1st Feb 2014. 

Also read: Lotuschef on Interesting Encounters 巧遇

This deed can be as simple as helping an aged cross the road or putting a smile on an unsmiling face, what if only for a second!

Making others happy, means sharing goodness.

Fellow student present at this session thanked me for sharing how to use Buddha Dharma for the benefit of Self as well as others

However, don't forget SZ said: with Sincerity and don't expect rewards!

日行一善! To Perform A charitable deed a day! - this actually can be found in the
4 Lessons of Liao Fan

Quoting from [Wikipedia – Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons]:

Liao-Fan Yuan was born during the Ming Dynasty, in about 1550, in Jiangsu Province, Wujiang County. Liao-Fan wrote a book, Liao-Fan's Four Lessons (了凡四訓), which was written originally to teach his son, Tian-Chi Yuan.

The principal idea behind these lessons is that destiny can be changed through proper cultivation of kindness and humility. Thus one should not be bound by fate, but by one's own actions.

Liao-Fan was told by a taoist monk, Mr. Kong, that he would only live to the age of fifty-three and have no son. At first, he disregarded this monk's words as farcical nonsense, but as Mr. Kong's other predictions began to occur with great accuracy, he then proactively made an effort to rewrite his fate. In relating his own life experience in changing destiny, 
Liao-Fan, at the age of sixty-nine, wrote and taught these four lessons to his son.

The first lesson shows how to create destiny. 
The second lesson explains the ways to reform. 
The third reveals the ways to cultivate kindness and 
the fourth discloses the benefits of the virtue of humility.

This book, still in circulation after more than 500 years, is said to be a useful foundation in learning Buddhism.

Also read: 了凡四训.



第一篇 立命之学 - 说明人的命运是可靠自己创造,而不是被命数所束缚。

第二篇 改过之法 - 从小的过失起改过,那自然便不会犯下大的过错。

第三篇 积善之方 - 多做善事帮助别人,善事积多了,命运自然也有所改变。

第四篇 谦德之效 - 与人相处,待人要谦虚,从中学习,自然便有进步。

Hahaha! I use Liao Fan's 4 lessons or his personal experiences in changing his own destiny, to help those that think they are doom or to help many to improve their lots in life.

YES! You can map your own destiny and the very BEST way is to Cultivate for Self as well as ALL! 

自主生死 Holding Control over Your Own Life & Death or Destiny!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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