
Monday, January 20, 2014

Lotuschef on Scripts for Fire Puja 火供疏文

This part of the script for fire puja seems to surface in my mind for the past 2 weeks, and its my voice reading it out loud too! :)

伏乞 慈悲臨壇,攝受供養,廣賜福慧。


心悲    五濁苦海六道沉淪三途悽慘罪孽尤深,善信業障彌重
[This part has Boddhicitta for all beings.!]

[Plead for elimination of sins and calamities.]

冀藉 佛法無邊,普利冥陽,承斯殊勝法益



普及所有海內外求福善信弟子,捐施大德暨其眷屬 咸沾佛光加庇,


悉得  安居樂業,皆獲增福延壽,前程光明,所求如意,家門吉慶,事業興隆

[States that Buddha Dharma or power is wide-spread and can be relied or depended upon to execute and alleviate suffering and enhance the loves of all beings.]

Hahaha! Shall we say that all the goodies that need to be there or included are all written into the script?

Of course there are more to the scripts but these are the part that kept surfacing in my mind and read aloud in "my voice"! 

Spooky hor?

Sincere offering for the benefit of all!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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