
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lotuschef in Chat – Sentient Perception 凡人的见地

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bercakap-cakap – Persepsi Orang Awam

Also watch: The Legend of Wisely [衛斯理傳奇]

These screen shots are from the movie.
The first one shows a baby placed near a shining ball, they called "Dragon Ball", by the Dragon Ball Sector's abbot.

In this one below, the old abbot has passed on and the new abbot, the 5-year old child, emerges from retreat claiming that he has cultivate to "True Fruit" [修成正果] with the help of the Dragon Ball.
He said as this is the only time all followers or disciples can see the Dragon Ball, he is going round to bless each and everyone.

In this movie, the revered Dragon Ball turns out to be a super-computer of an alien nation and it is needed to initialize their vehicle, shaped like a dragon. 

The alien, one named Howard Hope wants to return to his planet, thus disregarding the harm he creates in the process, this alien went all out to get the Dragon Ball back.

Now, What exactly am I pointing out? :)

Sentient Mindset exhibited in the story of this movie!

A rounded object, a ball, that shines when the Sun's light shines on it, became the Sector's treasured heritage that is passed on from one abbot to another, and named Dragon Ball. 

Then all disciples of this sector go all out to protect this "Dragon Ball", even sacrificing their lives.

Isn't this a great "Attachment" to a Sentient Form, created by Ignorant Predecessors? 


Now the new abbot emerges and declared he has cultivated to "True Fruit", in Tantrayana means he has attained Buddhahood agree?

If that is so, he can just sit down or stand in one place and draw "universal energy" or light and radiates it outwards in circular waves to bless all disciples! 

He has no need to go round and bless one by one, touching their crowns or heads! 

Like the VM that claims she spent more than 4 hours ringing the vajra bell on a cruise to cleanse and bless all the beings in that lake, and most people think she has expended much "efforts" or her "powers" to do such a charitable task!
I have written about this one previously!

This is the sentient perception that you need to do so, and be "Visible", then you have "powers" ! 

O! most of you can say that SZ also goes around to "mo-ding" one by one after event!

:) In Fact, when you passed through the Abhiseka banners, and you adhere to SZ's instruction to "Form Mudra, Do Visualization, and Chant Mudra"; YOU get Cleanse & Purified and Blessed" many Folds, as there are more than one row of banners!

If each and every student abide by SZ's instruction, there is really no further need for SZ to do "Mo-ding" again, and one by one! :)

SZ also exhibited his vows of "Satisfying or Appeasing" all sentient beings 随顺众生, in doing the "mo-ding", to give "Visible" actions to make all happy! 

If you read 华严经 or Avatamsaka/Flower Adornment Sutra, A Buddha's Existence and His Teachings & Powers are exhibited at the Same Instant all over the Immeasurable worlds of the Universe.
[ 如此道场,我等十佛刹微尘数菩萨而来作证,十方一切诸世界中悉亦如是。]

Now there are more such Sentient Blunders in this movie! :)

The lamp went out when the little abbot is in meditation.
He sensed great disaster to his sector back in the monastery!

However, at another instant, he said that certain things are out of his "power range", thus he "can't reach & read"! 
What did SZ said? 

A Buddha Automatically links up all the worlds as he is Master of the Universe! 

When ONE said that "something or someone" is "out of their vision range", they are far from Buddhahood! 

SZ said that Dharmapalas and Divinities will keep him updated and this is all the time!

Read the recent article of SZ that I shared in this blog?
盧勝彥文集 > 235_虛空來的訪客 - 無形的開刀

This disciple has chanted 500 times of True Buddha Sutra. 
SZ and a few Boddhisattvas went to cleanse him of all cancerous cells one morning while he is sleeping! :)

Hahaha! How does SZ knows he needs help?
He is a disciple that took refuge! Meaning he has established an Affinity Link with SZ! 

AH! There are some that have not taken refuge with SZ, but they got help! 

Affinity Links can be from previous lives too!


Please watch the movie and see what you can pick out that are "Sentient Perceptions" !

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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