
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Lotuschef in Chat - Perseverance Dharma of Non-Arising 无生法忍

AA: english transmission in the beginning was very bad due to technical difficulties
it went good from the mid part

the sermon was spooky lol

this is GM really backing you all the way

LC: hehe! it was all about "I don't care" & I am not bothered at all

the avatamsaka sutra [chapter 29 - 华严经十忍品第二十九] that I shared yesterday real good as one of them is about 10 ways of perseverance & real enlightening is you can do them!

especially 无生法忍  perseverance Dharma of non arising or no birth
when things or matter don't arise or get born, there is nothing that will bother a person

so transformation of matter into Non-existent is the key

as in Diamond sutra, No Forms then everything don't matter n won‘t affect one at all

AA: lol. that's the difficult part as people are enshrouded by habitual tendencies.

but the statement is really the key!

found new motifs for new crown and robes haha.
let's see new ones when it's finished


“佛子!云何为菩萨摩诃萨无生法忍?[Perseverance Dharma of Non Arising or No Birth]


[This Boddhisattva do not see any Dharma arising and also none terminate.]


[If none arise then none to terminate, if none to terminate then none to exhaust; none to exhaust then leave filth, if leave filth then become no differentiation, hence no attachment arriving at tranquil silence, leaving desires/cravings, resulting in no action, then no wishes and non-abiding to no go and no come.]


Summary Translation by Lama Lotuschef.

Dear all
Just can't enumerate the goodness or benefits of Avatamsaka Sutra! :)

Go read it please.

Cheers all & Happy New Year to all!

Om Guru Lian Shent Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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