
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Affinity 缘

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef dalam Renungan – Jodoh

Legislation to make sure that Minors are not victims of Coercion into Specific Religion or Political sectors?


Please look through the photos above carefully.
The attendees are not my acquaintances before I took refuge with Grandmaster Lu, The Living Buddha Lian Sheng. :)

A few are regulars of certain local chapters but most are family or friends of students I met after refuge & ordination. Most have yet to take refuge when they joined me for cultivation.

Glad to know that most stayed and also took refuge with Grandmaster Lu too.

See the Sincerity in offering?

I attended a Dharma talk last evening and the main topic is Human rights issue of Coercion of Minors or infants; young children; from birth to be "Stamped" with certain Political or Religious Labels.

Speaker believes strongly that infants and young children under 18 or 21 years of age, should not be subjected to Coercion of any kind in deciding their religious or political faith, and legislation should be in place to protect these minors.

Speaker is someone I have not met but have heard some of his speeches, which I find pretty inspirational.

However, I choose to differ on this latest topic. :)

Speaker is a British by birth and became a Buddhist when he was about 18.
He thought there were no Buddhist in his vicinity and found out to the contrary that there are many of like faith in Cambridge University! :)

A Swede student, LH, I met years ago, told me that he started discovering that he has Affinity with Buddhism and he took refuge with Grandmaster Lu when he was about 16. There were no one of like faith in his vicinity.
However, I met another fellow student, CR, that started a Cultivation group about a day's journey from his hometown after I met him. Of course this group is a new start-up of less than half a year and the founder requested cultivation materials from me and also how to secure more from other sources.

In Buddha Dharma, One's Affinity with Buddha is dependent on One's Karmic Influences!
Therefore, legislation or not, when you have the Affinity and the Time is Ripe, you will be drawn back into "Buddha's Arms", agree?


The phrase: Religious Calling, is what is Ripening of Affinity, do you agree? 

In my case, my Religious call came when I was 50, in 2006 August 3, when I took refuge with Tripe Gems.
Then in 2008 August 3, I took refuge with Grandmaster Lu & in September 2009, I was ordained.

Affinity when Ripens, can come swiftly, as in my case! :)

No one force me to adopt any Religion before this, but I attended various religious events or sessions, from various faith.

I would like to add that Divinities do keep an eye on one of their own though.

Do you have scary dreams or nightmares, and then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva comes to your rescue all the time?
Also you somehow know how to chant her Title: 南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨 Namo Da Ci Da Bei Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa. :)

In later years became: 南无大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨 Namo Da Ci Da Bei Jiu Ku Jiu Nan Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa.

Hehe! Spooky?

I would like to add that a True Cultivator or Buddhist Student should REFRAIN from getting too involve in Sentient Matters and unconsciously urk by Sentient beings and their woes to ACT GOD!

Helping sentient beings compassionately but do not get entangled in all these Methods of Convenience, as per Buddha Dharma. :)

I agree that One's Political or Religious Leanings or Choices should not be Forced onto anyone though.

One man's meat is another's poison!


Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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