
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lotuschef on Wearing Down One's Root Guru 累坏了自己的根本上师 [2]

Terjemahan Indonesia: Menghabiskan Tenaga Guru Akan Sendiri 累坏了自己的根本上师 [2]




師尊於11月9日西雅圖雷藏寺同修時,流淚的宣布希望能退隱休息。雖然我們無法作主,但讓我們盡一份力量,共同守護 師尊,持誦佛頂尊勝陀羅尼咒,迴向 師尊佛體安康,健康自在,平安喜樂。


Adam Ho 好!有您們中觀堂開恩共同守護師佛.....先感恩
18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

謝世仰 我覺得這樣還不夠,[有人]或[單位]要身體力行,不要在加一些其他的法會,師尊一星期一次的[台雷]法會已經足夠了,不要在加其他日子的法會了。不要把師尊當印鈔機,經費不夠就請師尊出面主持法會來[集錢]。沒錢自己單位想辦法,為何還要請師尊呢?這是[敬師]的表現嗎?一方面[請佛住世]一方面又要[操佛在世]。這樣子是一個口口聲聲說[愛師尊.尊貴的師尊]的弟子應有的表現嗎?真的要把師尊[榨]到最後一滴嗎?各位同門,各位[xxx]自己想一想吧!心.口.要如一,阿
18 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 16

陳豐益 我覺得我們要尊重師尊的.想法....並不是一昧的..全力號召....重點是師尊的想法...如果是師尊是..半年.台灣半年西雅圖..奔波弘法很累...想要..輕鬆一點..自在一點..弘法..悠閒一點可以四處去走走..自由去看看.偶而想到再舉辦法會...我們也要也尊重...不能因為師尊不忍.弟子如何如何..就...讓他..太操累..這樣..久了也會被操倒...法會時期間隔長一點...也許師尊..可以更能休息...更能充滿體力.與電力.佛力..=\="
17 hours ago · Unlike · 11

一明師姐 師尊在法會上對大家講「讓我也好好的睡個午覺吧!連午覺的時間都沒有。還有,晚上的聚餐,從回來到現在,從美國西雅圖回到台灣,快三個月了,每一個晚上都有餐會,有時候因為晚上排不夠,連中午都排滿,每天枯坐在那裡看著所有的菜餚,再好吃也吃不下。」
17 hours ago · Like · 7

一明師姐 大家認為師尊的想法是什麼?
17 hours ago · Like · 3

Adam Ho 每天給師尊自己的時間及空問 另可以考虑排餐會不要那麽密及餐會時不要再叫師尊签名签的不停(師佛曾经说过不是白吃的餐)
15 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 5

Adam Ho 師尊曾经问馬來西亞同們~ 你们叫師尊签名加持那么多龙袍可是師尊还没穿过呢!請問師尊是不是很無奈!
15 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 5

Wen Choi 我也哭了!感謝師尊! _()_
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

葉玟伶 看著我們的師尊每次法會都是那麼忙碌勞累~真的要給師尊多點休息時間,不然是要怎麼使師尊他佛體安康呢。
10 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

葉玟伶 願個位師兄姐們~為我們敬愛的師尊著想,勿再排飯局了,給師尊有一點時間休息吧。
9 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

Wong Alvin 能和師佛共聚乃是福份,"前年浩劫今譯聚是緣故也。希望師兄們能好好的禮待師傅,順應因緣,自然就好把。
8 hours ago · Like · 1

Francesca Poon

Lotuschef on Wearing Down One's Root Guru 累坏了自己的根本上师 [1]
This screenshot was captured during the 2 Nov 2013 session. From the video, I ca...See More
6 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview

Francesca Poon Question: As a Living Buddha, Guru can choose to live as long as he likes, concur?
What we see is Core’s members, the so-proclaimed care-givers, wearing down the Physical Body or Shell of a Living Buddha, agree?
Remember the times when Guru commented that he was very tired from the Hong Kong trip and he just wants to sleep?
This year at huangti temple, he said he grab a stool and sleep in the toilet for Half an hour for a much needed rest!
The entertainment of dinners that over-spilled into lunches, snatching away much needed time for afternoon naps!
Dear all, if you truly love your Root Guru, please stop all these or do something to those that are reaping money in exchange for Guru’s presence or attendance!
These are selfish acts of small group of students who think that they need Personal attention from Guru and they were educated by those that have yet to Yoga, that you don’t need to cultivate but can get from Guru, very auspicious!
All these selfish and greedy acts are Detrimental to Guru’s physical health and serves all No Good in the long run.
If you all Truly and Sincerely wants Guru to stay long in this realm. don’t just mouth words for external show only, DO SOMETHING NOW!

Wearing down One's Root Guru! [2]
2013年6月1日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開講「喜金剛法要義」-西雅圖雷藏寺    06/01/2013 The Hev...See More


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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