
Friday, November 8, 2013

Lotuschef on Tearing Away Parts of My Life!

Going through tons of letters and etc. I tore up almost all of them!
Some letters dated 2005 too!

Some of these played interesting parts in my life too! :)
I found the police reports for the imitation speakers and also the invoices that DC planned to import them into Singapore through his joint venture company and also into Thailand by his Thai counterpart KN.

I give grateful thanks to Buddha & Shizun for plucking me out from that decaying scenario to my present happy & carefree self. :)

Yes! From all our events photos, you can see I even look rosier and younger too!
Instead of aging, I found the fountain of rejuvenation and longevity elixir and become younger & healthier day by day as I cultivate Tantric Dharma!

Photos are dated and you can go have a good thorough look!

Game to learn how to be younger & healthier?

Come join Pure Karma in cultivation!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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