
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Hungry Ghost Phenomenon 饿鬼的迹象 [2]

Terjemahan Indonesia: Fenomena Hantu Lapar [2]
Image: Hungry Ghost © Withstand

This is Pure Karma's Altar.
Sleek, simple, bright, inviting,..... :)
We shouldn't complicate our altars and likewise our Life.

Amitofo Lotus Chef, As a disciple of Grand Master Living Buddha Lien Sheng and a regular at the Sunday fire homas, I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! 

To see the various disciples and monks rushing forward to grab the blessed offerings in such a fashion is shocking, disturbing and produces such a different vibration than the holy vibration we all had the wonderful chance to take part in thanks to Grand Master.  

The vibrations of greed are definitely present as with so many attached entities and karmic creditors that have not been released.

As I work my way through this crowd to get my turn at the fire homa, I must deeply chant the White Padmakumara long mantra to deal with this heavy oppressive energy.

I have seen all the acts you mentioned and know they happen regularly after the ceremonies.

But I know the law of karma and you cant escape, we all pay in the end. 

Thanks for mentioning this in your blog, I hope disciples can reflect and take a look at themselves honestly and change their ways. 


Well, these happened all over the world, after events! 

A local chapter's volunteers snatch at offerings from the Blessing Altar and not the Bardo one! 
They believe that the Bardo one is Tainted by ghosts or spirits!

SZ said: Om Ah Hom! Cleanse all! Everything is the same.

Seems SZ's words mostly fall on deaf ears! Hahaha! 

There was an incident that was very crazy too! 
The chapter's volunteers made a huge fuzz with Lotus Light Charity for carting away the offerings of an event before they have a chance to pick and choose for themselves.
They demanded that the Offerings be returned to the chapter and the remains after their "picking" will be donate to Lotus Light! 

So the chapter's volunteers are needies too? 
They badly need charity? 

Actually there are Hot/Cold water dispensers in the Homa Hall. You only need to bring a container to collect water. As long as they are there during the Homa, they already got plenty of blessing from SZ Astrally if they but stay cool and they can feel SZ's blessing from their crowns, slowly spreading downwards to fill their whole body.

All they need to stay tune to SZ's teachings and RELAX! 
O! They must also have Absolute Believe in SZ! 

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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