
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lotuschef in Trauma & Kundalini Triggers [2]


PKV: TT called me just now, regarding his friend J that is possessed!

He said his friend told him and others that he has a ghost in him!

I told him not to be scared n go do as I taught.

the light orb thingy n then negotiate

GY: First time experience,
and we have too much experience of watching horror movies lol.
I just hope that I can maintain my calmness when faced with such situation too.

PKV: Ye! I kept telling him to relax n not be scared though!
& I kept laughing like crazy!!!

GQ: Rofl, naughty Fashi

PKV: To anyone, Ghost or spirit brings fear!!!
But I cleanse TT so many times n he knows Astral Powers!

Like SZ said: when you can yoga then you know what everything is all about!!!

Dear all, I am not crazy and being naughty by telling TT to help his friend astrally. :)

It is hilarious to tell anyone "Do not be scared of Ghosts/Spirits!

Let me tell you roughly TT's story.
TT was under some black spell from some master & his team.
Telling him in a round-about way to not give his birth data to anyone & etc. for self protection....
and I taught him how to cultivate as well to cleanse & protect himself.
I didn't reveal the culprits that I saw, who are responsible for his ailments. 

Less than a week later, he told me that in his dream, the assistant of the master grabs him forcefully and attempted to drag him against his will to somewhere.

SZ said now can tell him about the real culprits that cast the black stuff on him.

TT had thorough Medical Examination done in Hospital but no finding of any medical problem that caused him to experience "attacks" of extreme discomfort! 

His parent forcefully dragged him to various mediums, to no avail!

There is no cure for his ailments! 

After cultivating the way I shared with him, he improves.
One morning, about 1am. he text me and told me he is feeling bad again.
After using the method of Astrally drawing him into vision and engulfing him with great light from SZ, he got better.
Then he told me that he didn't cultivate for a whole month!!!
Added to that, the master and his team have scheduled events approaching soon too.

Well, he is one them that feels lousy if they do not go register or support this master's events.
No Kidding! Hahaha! 

SZ said to tell TT that if he don't cultivate to protect himself and eventually cleanse himself, I am not to help him when the "attacks" occur again. 
TT has to go ask SZ directly for help then! :)

Few months back, TT has some hiccups at work and I taught him how to ask SZ for help.
Work out fine for him pretty fast.

TT has experienced the black spells and also knows that SZ is always watching over him and ensuring he is alright.
These built Firm Trust and Faith in SZ and a pre-requisite to Guru Yoga! 

Also the black spells somehow triggered his Kundalini too! 
Good resulted from Bad!!!:)

During a certain fire puja session, I saw one of his previous personality surfaced. A cultivator in white robes, bright shining aura too. :)

From the above observation, I am confident that he can help his friend and the spirit that possessed him.

I didn't push TT into the Fire and let him burn. :)

Thing is, he also understand what I said about Spirits being like us, but less fortunate and needs help and not more harm.

We should be compassionate to them when they cross our paths.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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