
Monday, October 7, 2013

Human Rights & Women Charter - By The Power of The Family Court?

This email [[....]] below, like others, was ignored by the recipients, simply just as yet another Threat by a wrathful person out to show violence to force Obedience from his children and ex-spouse (Me).

Somehow, sometime yesterday D sent text messages to an inactive mobile too, along the same lines! 
Hahaha! Just found them and went to ask my kids what is he talking about!!!

Well??? Well pass his Majesty's deadline! 
We await Execution? 

I remember that I have never receive any Genuine Court Orders about what D is always threatening!
About 2 years back, the alleged Court Orders I received from D's lawyers, were documents with Orders that D's lawyers wrote up with all that they asked, IRREGARDLESS of whether the Court said: NO Ruling!!!

Question: Therefore, do we still need the hoo-hah of the PRETENSE of going through the Family Court or for the matter any Court of Law?

To these people, the Court seems to be an instrument to play at their whim and fancy, agree?

To recap, D has stopped paying monthly support as ordered by the Family court for about 3 years!
Similarly the Estate Maintenance ordered also defaulted about 3 years!
Recently, more than 6 months of Power Supply; Internet Subscription; ....!

Look at His Royal Majesty's, D's, Orders to Kids and Me!
We have been living in a house that needs funds to maintain as it is almost 40 years old!
I shared some of the problems in recent articles: Old Buildings - Wear and Tear 

In his statements, he is ordering me to help him cheat potential buyers by putting some cosmetics over the problem areas? 
He thinks a house is like a car that you can do up and sell to the first susceptible buyer?

We do not have funds to stay alive, and have been relying on my siblings. 
Where do we secure funds to make good whatever his majesty ordered?

This is Obey or Don't Obey also Die! 

Does all of us have to drop everything and obey his dictates, else we all be thrown into the streets, like one judge said: you find your own way. [when I raised the point of monthly maintenance ordered being greatly insufficient.]

The kids have school to attend. Do they have to also jeopardize their education and future, just to make D happy, else he uses the Power of Court to bring them to heel?

Is D ordering anyone to work from 9am to 9pm without paying them a wage and giving them the Labor Law stipulated breaks in between? 
D is the LAW? 

Note also that this time he use paralegal to sign off and not the Senior Lawyer, to show he is POOR? 
Plenty of deceiving acts? :) 

Now, from all his previous emails, What Does He Want So Very Badly?

Answer: Force Eviction of Me from the house!
He thinks it is a social disgrace on me and the stigma will stay on forever!

Well, did our learned judges fell for all their lies and give them the power to harm?


The following is from M1, my daughter, the only one who has a working income since end of last year. She did ans paid for a post graduate course from working part-time, because D has stopped Living support to her immediately upon graduation from University. 

D also refuse to support M2 when he completed his National Service and start University studies too, reason he is above 21 years old and legally do not have to support child above 21!

Well, for M3 who is still in school, he had already cut all support for past 3 years!

[Plea for Compassion and Rapid Assistance in Attaining HDB Housing for My Family
Dear Prime Minister Lee,
Further to the attached written statements of my two younger brothers, and as a Ward of Ang Mo Kio GRC, I am writing to plead for your urgent attention and assistance in the above matter.

It seems that the Family Law Courts have failed to provide a just outcome for my mother, and two younger brothers in the divorce, settlement and maintenance process, and have now left them utterly defenseless and in dire straits – they face the grim prospect of losing access to basic human necessities such as shelter, clean water and food; all this in a modern-day first-world country like Singapore.

Article 17.2, 25.1 and 25.2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations) states that no one should be arbitrarily deprived of his property and that every person “has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing...”, “the right to security in the event of ... lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control”. 
In particular, “Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection”.

Your National Day Rally Speech 2013, delivered at ITE College Central, struck an especially resonant chord in my heart and mind and gave me hope that perhaps my down-trodden family would not be left out in the cold nor forgotten.

I beseech you, Sir, the leader of our fair and progressive little island nation, with the core message of your speech, “Hope, Heart and Home” in mind, please help my family regain Hope for a secure tomorrow, Heart and faith in the supportive community and country that is Singapore,  and also a shelter to once again call Home.

With my limited means and resources, I humbly request the provision of a balance-of-sales HDB flat to purchase (walk-in) to shelter my mother and siblings and ask for your support, Sir, for us down-trodden Singaporeans in securing such a location in the shortest time possible.

Respectfully yours,]

[[ From:  D Hot Mail
Date: 30 September, 2013 9:57:58 pm GMT+8
To: M2; M3
Subject: Fw: Summons No. 11743 of 2013 - sealed Order dd 25.09.13
Reply-To: - Hot Mail

M2, M3,

The Court has given order on the release of Wirt of Possession and Writ of Seizure and Sale against your mother since she has failed to comply with the last Court Orders. I have requested my lawyer to hold back the application pending your mother unreserved written agreement to comply fully with the previous Court Orders by:

1) To facilitate free access of the house for the appointed property agent Mr Charles Chong of DTZ to conduct sale visits together with the potential buyer(s), 7 days a week, daily between 9am to 9pm.

2) To ensure the cleanliness, tidiness and proper presentation of the house suitable for viewing and inspection;

3) Do not hinder or interrupt the viewing and inspection as conducted by the agent;

4) Shall not communicate with the potential buyer(s) and the agent during each visit;

5) Shall make good those damages and / or missing parts within the premise of the house;

6) To hand over one set of the house keys to the appointed agent.

NB: The appointed agent has been instructed to contact you or M3 to make appointment before each visit.

I would like to receive from your mother the written agreement to the above conditions before 2359 on 6th Oct 2013. Failure which I shall have no choice but to trigger the issuance of Writs to have her evicted.

From: LSY
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 4:22 PM
To: D Hotmail
Cc: FSF ; IC
Subject: Summons No. 11743 of 2013 - sealed Order dd 25.09.13
Dear D,
Attached is a copy of the Order of Court dated 25 September 2013 for your attention and file records. Pursuant to our conversation this morning, please confirm your instruction to withhold the filing of the WOP and WSS.
Kind regards,
LSY | Paralegal ]]

I remember a reverend I met back in 2006, he said only the Rich triumph in Courts.
SZ also said don't want anything to do with the Courts!

From my case, the one with Money means He has Power of the Court, there is No Justice against someone like this? 


I still believe that Truth will triumph and Justice maintain. 
Karma is always One's own!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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