
Friday, October 25, 2013

Fun Chat - Switching Planes - Burning Furnace & Antarctic

A: Is it going to be too hot to sleep without air-con?

B: Don't know, maybe, but you can have fan.

A:I am a burning furnace nowadays. From cultivation of internal techniques.

B: And the room allotted to you is always cooler than the rest of the place.

A: Then I should cum earlier :)

B: Then start cultivating cooler techniques :)

A: Ya! The merging into icy cool water, XX color light. N go to sleep in Antarctic! Hilarious!

Dear all,
SZ said many times that Inner Tantra enables him to stay warmth even in winter.
He is able to wear only sandals without socks too, outdoor, into the winter grounds, without donning much warm clothing. :)

However, there is likely hood of Overheating when you go the wrong way!
Your body can overheat causing you ulcers and nose bleeds, common signs of Body Systems overheating.
O! Pimples too! Hehe!

I shared Merging into Water with some of Pure Karma's ganz in Lake Toba, Indonesia.

Merging into Sun. Moon, Stars, .... etc. too.

I am too crazy for you to believe me?


In the pictures above, do I maintain my COOL? :)

I remember spending 3 weeks with someone that lied about giving me air-con comfort if I stay with her. I paid her a full month rental for the whole room, instead of half.

She always said feels very cold and left me to manage on my own.
Yes! I did managed for 3 whole weeks in a stuffy and warm room with her loud snoring and teeth grating and also shouting and yelling when she is sleeping.

Thank goodness, I chose to sleep on the floor and didn't share the double bed with her!

Hahaha! When I armed or boundary protect the room, she sleeps with less yelling, but the snoring didn't lessen much.

I told her to do boundary protection on her own the next night, seems not effective!

Well, She has to be independent and not rely on anyone to do Boundary protection for her!

SZ said to teach her, and I complied.

She didn't practice what SZ taught, so hard to expect that she can learn from me.

Mindset is very hard to change! :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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