
Monday, October 7, 2013

先死而后生 Die First, Then Come Alive.

Few years back, when tangled up with divorce proceeding, trying hard to stay afloat in Family Courts, frequently get force under waters, SZ said: Let Go! Don't return volley at all.


Let Go? Means to DIE and nothing matters hence!

YES! I realized now that leaving the opponents with NO Real Target to hit at is truly wise!

I keep trying to tell the court that my ex-spouse is a Liar and also mean and violent to kids and me, but fell on deaf ears.

From the emails he sent, there are ample evidence of his violent and dictatorial ways.

1. A Mockery of the Law?
2, Human Rights & Women Charter - By The Power of The Family Court?

The above articles are some in which D's character and bullying ways were revealed.

O! I also just noticed that he purportedly get the court order on 25-9-2013.
Then on 29-9-2013 he called M3 and deviously dig information, promising to get him a mobile phone replacement. M3's mobile phone is not functioning for months, but D has ignored his request for a replacement.
After finding out that M2 will return on 29-9-2013, D emailed the children with his orders on 1-10-2013. 
The dateline he gave was 6-10-2013.
M3 said that he noticed there was a letter from his lawyers on Saturday, 5-10-2013, in letter box.

During all these time, Starhub cable internet was already not working, because D has arrears for more than 3 months! Services were cut well before D's email!

His text message to M3 on 6-10-2013, also stated that the Starhub internet will cancel on 6-10-2013. 

Fellow student loan me mobile internet at speed of about 7MB.
Most photos from Fire Puja were posted by students in Indonesia, as the 7MB can't post so much data.

Kids have lots of unread emails because D failed to pay for internet services!

D actually Cut his nose to spike his face?
Of course you can't read mails properly with slow internet speed.
Would you bother to read mails from D at all?

D would rather pay high legal fees to continue to hit at us, but not willing to pay living support ordered by the Courts.

Justice should results from the Truths finally surfacing, and all from D's and his lawyers' efforts!

Universal Wisdom of a Buddha, a Living Buddha, my Root Guru.

Now, know why I stated that I only listen to SZ and no one else?

The 3 Poisons of Greed Aversion Ignorance are aplenty in D's emails.

It is always prudent to let the aggressor "do his worse", revealing his own true facade.

Eviction? Sure if the Court really ordered us out on the streets to please D!

But would the Court just throw us into the streets ignoring that fact that we have no means of finding Shelter? 

Hahaha! Can we come alive soon? 

Let us see D's Karma in action and also the resultant reaction, shall we?

Continuing hurting anyone is wrong and doing so to a reverend, what great karmic actions indeed!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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