
Thursday, October 17, 2013

5 Buddhas Perfection Abhiseka – 5佛圆满灌

Terjemahan Indonesia: Abhiseka Kesempurnaan 5 Buddha

Pure Karma's 5 Buddhas crowns for Fire Offering.

Also see: Links to SZ's Speeches on 12 & 13 October 2013.

In recent speech, SZ talks about Abhiseka of 5-Buddhas Perfection and that he did these for a few students.

5 Buddhas Abhiseka - From the top chakra downwards:
  • Vairocana – Centre of Eye-brows Chakra
  • Amitabha – Throat Chakra
  • Aksobhya – Heart Chakra
  • Ratnasambhava – Umbilical Chakra
  • Amoghasiddhi – Secret Chakra

Upon hearing SZ's explanation of this Abhiseka, I recalled one of my experience with the 5 Buddhas during cultivation of Vajrasattva's Sadhana.

April 2009. One day, as I was chanting 100 Syllables Mantra, I had this vision.
The 5 Buddhas were on my crown and spinning in a clock-wise direction. 
Tingling sensation from my crown slowly spreading downwards.
The feeling is gorgeously joyful!

Then the 5 Buddhas enlarged and sat in a circle around me, continuing to spin clockwise.

I related this experience to a newly ordained monk.
He said: I don't know why the 5 Buddhas want to play with you!

I related this experience to a fellow student that leads cultivation at a local chapter.
He said: Vajrasattva derives from the 5 Buddhas. So nothing amiss. It is good to have this vision.

Dear all, 
Visualization and Vision are different entities.

Vision when related to those Ignorants, can be belittled and given a false view.

Best listen to SZ, right?

Everything is possible in Tantrayana if you practice as per your Root Guru's instruction.

O! Did I received the 5 Buddhas Perfection Abhiseka from Vajrasattva Astrally?


Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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