
Sunday, October 6, 2013

5-10-2013 SZ's Speech on Inner Fire 拙火


Screen shot from 5-10-2013 group cultivation session at Seattle Temple.

10/05/2013 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) by Grand-Master Lu - Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple

SZ shared the inter-relation links of Inner Tantra Cultivation.
The Basic from cultivation of Qi 气 energy by various methods; then No Leak 无漏 or Anasrava Dharma; followed by Psychic Heat灵热/Inner Fire 拙火; to Bindu drops/Bright dots 明点.

One needs to cultivate regularly and diligently for years to be able to come to the Inner Fire stage and hence even more years to be able to raise Inner Fire to Crown chakra to melt Bindu block (Frozen) to become Bindu droplets. 

O! There are exception though! 
Some are reincarnations of Buddhas & Bodhisattvas; they therefore come Fully Equipped and don't need decades of cultivation! 
Just need to "Flip the Switch" to turn on all these! :)

SZ also touches on existence of Heaven & Hell?
Where is Hell or Heaven?
All created by SELF! 

Is there any point or need to steal, cheat or kill others to possess others' material assets? 

Your Choice! 

Remember that Your Choice will determine your Heaven & Hell though! :)

O! Nearly forget to share the Key from SZ for Inner Fire Practice!
Full or Complete Breathing and Visualization!

Come learn Qi Energy basics and mobilization from Pure Karma if you are interested.
We practice these before each cultivation session. 
Registration Compulsory! 

Cheers all 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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