
Sunday, September 22, 2013

安置童灵 Settling Child Spirits

A fellow student told me that most masters/priests/practitioners do not accept Bardo Delivery cases of small children.

Their reasons, mostly about these Child spirits giving them lots of complications after the services were provided!


These actually tell us that Child Spirits can complain about the poor and ineffective services provied by these people! They didn't get delivered to Heaven or a better place!

Now from a Karmic Angle.

Think: If you have been waiting in anyone of the 3 Lower Realms for eons to be reincarnated when you have serve your sentences adequately, and you finally get to stand in line to be reincarnated to Human Form. You then die not long after birth to a Human Form.
How angry can you be?
Then you get people that claimed that they can purportedly deliver you to Heaven or a better place, out of the 3 Lower Realms.
However, they failed to deliver as they promised or claimed!

They can bluff those Alive but not the Dead!
Can you blame these Child Spirits from getting their Revenge on you, if you are one of those that Failed to deliver as promised?

Now Haunting? These resulted from Spirits hanging loose and have plenty of Grievances and they want Revenge against those that Wronged them!

In a dream, I witnessed a child spirit of a boy about 10 years old.
He occupies a toilet, sitting at an innermost corner next to the Sitting WC assembly.
He is pretty well dressed and should be from a well to do family.

Guests were frightened away and the hotel's business went downhill swiftly.
I saw a little girl refusing to use the toilet even though she urgently wanted to pee.
Her mom, not knowing that her daughter can see the boy spirit, carried her into the toilet.

The girl can't pee and her mother got angry!
She kept crying.

I intervened and brought the Boy Spirit out of the toilet.
I told the hotel owners that all spirits need to be settled and not get some priest to chase them away or catch and trap them.
If they take care of the needs of the Spirits, all can live Harmoniously together!

It will be better if they can help these spirits to be truly delivered to Heaven or better places, using the funds they pay those fake priests/masters to do so!

Dear all,
If you are looking into hiring anyone to do the Bardo Delivery Services for your departed love ones, please have a good look at them first.
Are they "Bright & Shiny" looking?
Do they give you a good "Feel" that they have Integrity and can deliver as promised?

I have written articles about how some practitioners that go through the motion and perform rituals as passed down by their seniors.
They seem to say the Right things and do the Right movements though!

Please take note that even after the 49 days of Bardo Life, it is possible to search for the spirits of your loved ones and deliver them properly.
If they keep coming back to ask for supplies or showing in your dreams but can't tell you what they need, that means that they didn't get delivered as promised!

Seek help for them, please.

Pure Karma does Bardo Delivery services as well.

For more information, please contact Lotus Yewsin at or +65-81812449.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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