Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lotuschef on Light & Sight 光与见/视 [2]

Root Guru - Absolute Trust & Faith?

[Lotus YS was given 6 tickets for seats inside the hall by a fellow student without asking for them. He gave it to those that wanted to sit within the hall.

.....My humble suggestion to all is to sit back and ponder upon your actions and I hope you realized that you forgot to Trust Guru to care for you and forgotten to chant Guru's mantra and maintain a Cool, Calm and Clear Mind, in order not to create any negatives.]

[[  Today, had lunch with YS n JC.
YS told me that he saw AA & BB shijie, both greyish color, and CC is black!

He said when he tried so hard to see, can't see!
But don't know why, got Sight like these. :)

I told him, when One is in Pure state and mind has no thought for short period of nano seconds or seconds, one has light enough like flashes, lighting up "objects" clearly for one to see.

He has started on steps to 3rd eye capabilities which all of us have initially when we are in Pure State.

I am glad for him anyway. :)

DD:  Funny, the theory and application seem to follow the Unfettered Mind.
I will share the part with you since it is interesting, that the more we relax and do not stop at one point, the more we don't get stuck.  ]]

Lotus YS had an experience of Light & Sight last Saturday during Fire Puja cultivation!

In SZ's latest speech, Cultivation needs One to be diligently on One's own.
Practice makes Perfect!

Dear all, you can do it too! :)

For those that think I am bluffing all the time, Now's the time to reflect on what I shared too.

I said: Listen only to your own Root Guru and cultivate accordingly with diligent effort on a regular basis.

SZ also said that many students are able to "See Lights", can you?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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