
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lotuschef on Arrow of Enlightenment 1-9-2013

Yet another arrow was presented to SZ.
Sadly, this student already blundered in his addressing homage! :)

He wrote: Wish SZ do not enter Nirvana! [不入涅盘].
A statement that SZ already explained not to use on him!!!
Core has obviously failed to abide Guru's statement with regard to this phrase, as it is added to most Sadhanas in the last part under Dedication for umpteen years.
Of course, Core do not take blame for not guiding students along the correct path and mindset!
From experience, Core only acts to "weed out perceived competitors that seem to threaten their materialistic sentient cravings only!

Paying attention to small details is also a NATURAL for a True Hearted Yogi!
Always maintaining Utmost Respect for One's Root Guru and his teachings, is also Instrumental to a Yogi's success in cultivation.

SZ said, this student also quoted from Diamond Sutra heavily but failed to POINT OUT How to Severe Suffering Immediately!

Enlightenment is not something you can quote big words. :)

Instead of beating about the bush with phrases from Dharani, I humbly suggest you research [Buddha's 5 Wisdoms] and especially the Wisdoms of Equality and Discernment in this respective order. :)

The answers also embedded in the Avatamsaka Sutra 华严经 that I am sharing in this blog.
I am into Book 22 already.
Are you following along?

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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