
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lotuschef on [Your Own Interpretation 你个人的见解] (1)

Our FH still not appeased! :)

[FH: I don't know if you read GM's whole speech or not, it is clear enough what GM's statements. Here is another from that particular Dharma speech : 


You can not deny what GM's statement just because it is not according to your own interpretation.
5 hours ago · Like ] 

Guru said TBS in sentient realm! 
Guru said those that severed others Wisdom Lives! 

Now, the fun begins!!! 

[just because it is not according to your own interpretation.]

PKV: I would also like to return FH's words to him: 

{{FH: I must say this is so disheartening, especially read the comment above from my fellow Indonesia Dharma brother... I pray to His Holiness may the Light bestow upon you, brother.

20 hours ago · Like }}

Severing others' Wisdom Lives? 
In the quoted passage (underline text), SZ said the new students' Faith/信心 Broke up or Disintegrated quickly or instantaneously! 
Those that severe Wisdom Lives naturally have to answer to Karmic returns or repercussions!

However, who severe whose Wisdom Life? 

Remember also Guru said Sentient Realm. So these are matters of Sentient Minds. 
Can we then conclude that A Buddha is not of the same mindset? :)

Now I recently shared with fellow students during our chat session that in Tantrayana, we start cultivating with the Mindset of A Buddha, unlike those in the Mahayana.

I think most do not have this Mindset, thats why still struggling and seeking the elusive doorway into the Heart Essences of Tantrayana.

Cheers all 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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