
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lotuschef on [Show Hand] 水落石出

The name above is from Shizun.

The above is a Fish-net spell - the people that are listed in this list given to the Black-magic practitioner are all trapped fastly like the Jade-fishes, by the 2 golden beads, one in front and one at the back as in diagram shown. The ring with 5 partitions is the Control wheel.

This is one that I found in my ex-spouse's car.
Of course, Black magic cannot be proven in Court!!! :)
However, the Karma created by the person that hired these evil stuff done, will not escape the Return of their negative actions.

This is the happy Lotuschef chatting with a Butterfly and immersed in Nature!

I remember Shizun told me to [Stay Silent to Arrest Action] 以静治动 ; [to watch as events unfold & transform] 静观其变.

Due to lack of funds to defend and present my case in Family Court; my words or statements are just not credible! :)

Shizun said: "Don't fight back, wait it out."

Yes! I realized how wise are these advice!

Thinking that their lies won over my truth, the Aggressor and his legal team, went on a Mindless rampage.

The traces of their Aggressions are all documented into the Legal System!

The Defiance of Court orders and falsifying orders, are all set in like setting cement; an Irreversible Chemical Reaction.

Next step?

Hahaha! Shizun said to Break Free, correct?

Show Hand? :) Karma will take over!

The Truth will out eventually though.

A kind word to all members of Core, have you listen attentively and comprehensively to all Shizun's speeches on the 9 Yanas?

Realized that what I have shared all along mostly from Higher Tantra?

Did you also picked up Guru mentioning the Wisdom Eye in his latest speech 11-8-2013?

Am I TELLING THE TRUTH AS IT IS, all these whiles?

Am I sharing Authentic Buddha Dharma?

When Time Ripens, everything will be very very clear.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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