
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lotuschef on [ Lie No More]

For seasoned liars and especially those that flagrantly lie in Courts; please be aware that in this new IT era, your lies are easily exposed!

My ex-spouse, DD, claims that he is earning very low wages, and he has his employers, mostly his ex-staff; his drinking buddies; his siblings and their spouses; ... to write letters to whatever tune the lawyers dictate that will advance his case of pleading poverty and etc. in Court!

However, these are only Mirages!
Like the millions he stole from me, rendering me a pauper. :)
Seems he failed to hang on to the loot too.

With each set of "tales" one fabricated into the main frames storage systems of the legal system, you actually provided more "CLUES" or "EVIDENCES" that will eventually be sparks that start fires to burn you out.

I don't have the financial means to prove that DD is lying all the time, BUT someone has  the ability to CALL UP all his "stories" and also verify them against his activities. :)

A person that claim he is a lowly worker, travels frequently out of Singapore on "business-trips" for long periods. He is obviously the king-pin in his businesses, legal or illegal, agree?

Why illegal? DD left and dare not return home after a business trip to BKK, because he stashed fakes of branded car speakers in the living room.

I asked him what if the Law comes?
He replied: Then get lawyers!

Hahaha! DD believes that with Money, he can hires lawyers to make sure he walks freely away from all his negative activities!

O! he is also another favorite of the Tax boys!

Actually, I have suggested that the Court put these Serial Liars through Polygraphs.
Seems that it is not a good idea though.

I have also discovered that when DD's lawyers take out Summon, the Court does not send out notice of the schedule hearing session, but seems to rely on the lawyers to do the informing!

I have also discovered that when they choose the dates and time, then I must make myself available.
I tried to ask for change of dates and time convenient to my schedule, but always rejected.
It seems a reverend's time or any layperson's time is unimportant, only the lawyers' time is of import.

Lying actually increases your karmic negative level. If your lies caused Great Harm, then you will face the same with Greater Impact upon their return.

Dear all, I am sharing some of my experiences through a divorce proceeding that can cause a victim like me to consider suicide. That is worse at the beginning, like being dropped into an abyss!
Things improved with TIME and although the missiles are lethal all these years, Faith in Shizun helped tremendously!

Recently, DD started a fresh round of missiles! Getting the Court to order eviction of me and my kids from the apartment we are living in, which is our one and only means of housing!

For those interested, maybe come and witness how the Court agreed to throw me (Reverend) and kids into the streets soon as per DD's wish.

For those that watch the Cecil Awards winning short documentary : Mudita ~ Selfless Joy; my son is telling the truth that we are about to loose the house we are staying in too.

Anyone interested to do a short filmlet on "Victims of Court", with our story? :)

Well, some day someone might go dig out this case and prove that Justice is not Elusive at all!


Shizun said that legal proceedings waste money and time and don't serve any party any good!
He also vowed not to fight back or defend self against legal missiles!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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