
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Lotuschef on 立刻断掉 Immediate Severance of Suffering?

The above is shared by Lotus Shannon.

Subject: Question

Hi fashi,

问:是什么原因能够把烦恼立刻断掉?[Usage of 原因??  ] 



Cheer !



Just like the 2 recent arrows, you have brought up the Ideal Conditions and Requisites.

What is missing? 

Try and recall what I told AA that night. :)
What is the Key that I am trying to share with her? 

Are you listening with your HEART?
Hehe! I saw you closing your eyes on and off, and busy practicing "Borrowing Light" ! 
However, you forgot what is the Key to do this method properly. 
It is not easy to [Listen to your Heart] when you didn't pick up the Keys to lay foundation. 

As Shizun said, you are right with all these jargons from sutra, but the KEY?

Also Shizun said cannot tell, you have to go figure out what is the KEY. :)

Listening and Reasoning with your HEART is part of 9 Yanas that Shizun is sharing nowadays.

Find the KEY, as Shizun said with Wisdom of Buddhas.

Stay tuned to Shizun's coming speeches, there will be more Arrows for the Enlightenment Quest!  

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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