
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Links to Guru's speech on 4 - 8 - 2013. Seattle


08/04/2013 Nine Stages Dharma of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) by Grand-Master Lu - Rainbow Temple

Yet another arrow from student for the Enlightenment Quest.
This one attempts for answer Guru's questions from yesterday's session about Immediate Severance of Suffering.

As Guru reads out the arrow, this one also fell for the usage of terms & phrases from Dharani.

Remember the Real & Fake Roses story? 
Simplicity is the KEY! 

YES! Guru said he requires that students use simple terms and statements to explain and answer his questions. 

What a coincidence that I wrote about Boddhicitta and the 3 categories of Charity! 
When I listen in on the above speech, I can't help but smile, as Guru talks about them too. :)

Of note is that he talks about Heart within Heart 心中心,One of the 3 divisions by 妙吉祥友 Manjushrimitra. This is actually the very Essence of Heart. 

In the Enlightenment Quest, arrows normally lack ESSENCE.
Seems Essence is more about Simplicity then what the Human Mindset Automatically churned out!
Human Mindset automatically churned out Complexities that hinders themselves. 


The essence of the Dzogchen teaching is the direct transmission of knowledge from master to disciple. Garab Dorje epitomized the Dzogchen teaching in three principles, known as the Three Statements of Garab Dorje (Tsik Sum Né Dek):

1. Direct introduction to one's own nature (Tib. ngo rang thog tu sprod pa)
2. Not remaining in doubt concerning this unique state (Tib. thag gcig thog tu bcad pa)
3. Continuing to remain in this state (Tib. gdeng grol thog tu bca' pa)

In accordance with these three statements, Garab Dorje's direct disciple Manjushrimitra (Tib. 'jam dpal bshes gnyen) classified all the Dzogchen teachings transmitted by his master into three series:

1. Semde (Wylie: sems sde; Skt: cittavarga), the series of Mind, that focuses on the introduction to one's own primordial state;

2. Longde (Wylie: klong sde; Skt: abhyantaravarga), the series of Space, that focuses on developing the capacity to gain familiarity with the state and remove doubts; and

3. Menngagde (Wylie: man ngag sde, Skt: upadeshavarga), the series of secret Oral Instructions, focusing on the practices in which one engages after gaining confidence in knowledge of the state.

Cheers all 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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