
Friday, August 23, 2013

Crazy Wisdom – It’s Black Magic Again!

This is even more hilarious!

The mastermind just returned from a trip to Malaysia where Guru said someone hired a master to cast black magic on him!

The one about stuffing ashes into Guru's mouth to prevent him from speaking or uttering any sound;
the arrows that were shot at certain points to prevent Guru from walking, speaking, and made him tired and sleepy - to prevent him from ascending Dharma Throne to expound Buddha Dharma; and many others that Guru has shared in his books or speeches.

Hahaha! Now to the point!

Another Lackey of Core told ZZ to warn me not to enter Seattle Temple's proper, because someone Cast Black Magic already. If I enter the Temple's main hall where the Altar is, I will be down by Black magic!!!

Isn't this latest piece of Threat pretty hilarious?
Someone is admitting they are behind all the Black Magic attacks on Shizun!!!

On Tuesday, someone asked Guru, can we take photos with him and of him?

Guru answered: YES!

However, all those that wanted to take photos were stopped by a group that said they enforcing regular procedures!

Question: Is Guru's words no longer valid in Seattle Temple?

Question: Have everyone that think they are above their own Root Guru, and therefore can over-ride Guru's statements and coined their own orders?

Dear all, Please remember in Tantrayana, that you have to adhere to your Root Guru's words strictly and not fabricate your own! :)

Now back to the Black Magic cast to prevent me from entering the Temple's main hall where the altar is located!

Gosh! Are you scared or not?
Will you be deterred by these threats?

Where do they think Guru stands in all these? :) :) :)

Temple's altar has so many statues of Divinities including Shizun's.

Think they will let anyone perpetuate harm to anyone that enters the temple and do offering at the altar?

I laughing told Guru these when we were chatting early this morning. :)

Yes! Hilarious!!!

Why are they so scared of my presence?

Fear of exposure of their foolish deeds?

Should I walk up to Guru and ask these questions out loud, in public?
Is there need to do so? :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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