
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Shizun Quotes Avatamsaka Sutra

This is the Highest Yoga Tantra, the Formless Gate which has no boundaries. 

I remember a verse from the Avatamsaka Sutra which speaks on how this level of great dharma is difficult for most people to believe. 

Perhaps it is exactly due to its greatness that most mundane mortals find difficulty believing and understanding it.

The verse goes like this:

Striving for the Great Vehicle is still easy
Compared to the greater difficulty of believing this teaching.

Even more difficult it is to retain, recite, and explain it to others,
To practise according to the teaching and truly understand it.

To hold a galaxy on one`s head
Without moving, for one eon,
Is not considered difficult
Compared to believing this teaching.

To pick up ten buddha-lands in your hand
And stand in space through an eon
Is not to be considered hard
Compared to believing this teaching.

If one provides comforts for an eon
To the homes of beings as numerous as the atoms in ten lands,
One's merit is not to be considered as supreme as
One who believes this teaching is the most excellent.

Even spending an eon serving
As many buddhas as there are atoms in ten lands,
One's merit will be greater, more supreme,
If one can recite and uphold this book.


When there is Believe, then there will not be Slander or Defame!
Guru did not want to Sue Anyone for Slander or Defamation, Why?

This passage that Guru quotes, is the Answer!

Instead of stamping on those that Don't Believe Guru's statement; and Slander or Defame him; True Dharmpalas should try and use Buddha Dharma to devise methods to succor these beings and not Threatened all kinds of Aggressive and Suppressive Sentient Show of Muscles, agree?


The Show of Muscles will never make these Non-Believers, BELIEVE!
Instead made them more determine to FIGHT BACK! :)

Aggression begets Aggression!

Not Buddha's prescription for TRUE DHARMAPALAS!
Also Never Ever formed in their Minds!

Only Bullies Use Force, Violence, Aggression, ... to Seize Control and Suppress!

There is also the Human Rights Issue to look into before any rash action initiated.

All these Guru has already shared for decades, True Students of Guru, should you not study these first before you hit out mindlessly?

A stable and immovable heart filled with Boddhicitta, is what a True Yogi has!

Boddhicitta, the most important Requisite to be a True Buddha! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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