
Friday, July 12, 2013

Review : Avatamsaka Sutra Book Ten

华严经 - 菩萨问明品第十 Boddhisattva Asking for Clarification

These are dialogues between Manjusri and various Boddhisattvas.

Read all the Replies carefully and you help build Fundamental which are extremely Enlightening.

Hahaha! Shall we say that these are Crucial or Keys to Enlightenment! 

[Please do not accept my translation as the Accurate version. Please translate it to fully comprehend and see how much you glean from this dialogue. :) Remember that you have to put in effort to show sincerity in Cultivation and Learning too. ]

Translated by Lama Lotuschef in brief summary.

The following is the dialogue between Boddhisattvas Manjusri & Head of Dharma.

Manjusri asked: As Buddha said, all that uphold True Dharma, will be able to severe all Suffering.
Why then there remain those that Uphold Dharma but still can't severe all suffering arising from 
Greed, Aversion, Ignorance, Pride, Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, Stinginess, Lies, Fake Adulation, Reshuffling of Control, Lacking in Renunciation?

If can uphold dharma, why then did the Suffering still arises from within their hearts?


 The Reply : 


Buddha's child please listen well to the true meaning of your queries, because entering or understanding Buddha Dharma not base on more exposure.

Like those floating on water, died of thirst from fear of drinking, 
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like presenting sumptuous cuisine but Self do not partake and die of hunger, 
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like One that has knowledge of Medicine that can't heal self of illnesses,
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like counting others' riches/treasures but Self being penniless,
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like those born in the palace but suffer hunger and cold,
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like the Deaf playing music, that others hear but not Self, 
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like the Blind that sew design of others, but can't see for themselves,
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like the Captain of a sea vessel that die in the middle of the sea, 
even having much knowledge of Dharma but do not know how to cultivate is pointless.

Like One that stood at a busy crossroad broadly saying good matters,
One without inner virtue, just like one that don't cultivate.


PKV:  this is interesting and most would like to know as these apply to Core

AA: How true, especially toward the analogy of the one skilled in medicine but being unable to cure his own disease.
Pretty scary since people who "know" / "understand" but don't "use" are many, I have to be aware of myself too, at least know how to analyse situation and know what to do with it hahaha.

PKV: This sutra is truly enlightening n most don't treasure it or see it's worth!

Use is very important!
Think anyone other than you all in pure karma Will use the various mandala to visualize when reading this sutra?


Everything is inter-related.
if you split them, you won't get any success.
thats why we need to build up good fundamentals.
thats also why I need them to answer my questions before I share certain techniques with them!

AA: And it's so Mahamudra as well hahaha. People in Mahayana may wonder with the depictions in the sutra if they only practise the recitation without visualisation.

PKV: Most really didn't bother about the contents or morale of the teachings in the sutra.
what is the point of being able to memorize say "Diamond Sutra".

AA : Are we the only person here who put highlights on the stuff we read? lol.

PKV: hehe!
we are 2 weirdos!
#2 chose the wrong topic to ask guru to share!
should be avatamsaka sutra and most will truly be enlightened!

maha perfection of 9 yanas is not for most people, and definitely won't help those without good fundamentals in Mindsets!
If I am real hardworking, I might finish sharing avatamsaka within a year! :)

Every day also happy like SZ said.

Those in core understand book 8-10, a little bit, then they will be that much happier.
Instead of wasting time playing sentient games!

AA: They still hate you lei.
I saw the publication of the book "Thus Have I Heard" and the article that they posted in the web was the one asking whether the one who had accomplished the Yoga with the yidam was considered enlightened.

Ahahaha. Very strange topic to publish.
Perhaps they couldn't stand you posting stuff emphasising the accomplishment of yoga as the important foundation in Vajrayana path.

At least they should have studied the tantra literature that speaks about the dual sides of envy and all-accomplishing wisdom to be the same and inherent within all of us.
I have never heard of the VM talking about advanced topic like this.

I agree with you, 9 yana isn't for major practitioners. 

The basic into the third cycle, the introduction of Mahayoga is very difficult without preliminaries studies and personal understanding. 
I'd like to see how GM will simplify these complicated doctrines.
We are very lucky to hear about this.

On the other hand, Avatamsaka should have increased their faith and widened their cosmic perspectives, so to say.
Yes, Avatamsaka should actually precede the 9 yana.

PKV: Hate comes from jealousy, envy, wants, needs, desires, .... to feed Self!

Ignorance causes these too.

3 poisons!

Dear all, after reading this Book 10, and understanding at least half of it, can you now tell whether anyone in Core Are Truly Cultivating and Putting their Knowledge of Buddha Dharma to GREAT USE to succor Self as well as Others?


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama lotuschef

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