
Monday, July 29, 2013

Review: Avatamsaka Sutra Book 17 - Merits of Initial Bodhicitta Wish

Hahaha! This is not my first Bodhicitta Wish but my daily one.

Most of us make our First Bodhicitta Wish when we take refuge with the Triple Gems or in Tantrayana, The Root Guru & Triple Gems.

Our Vows?
Why Ask?

The Reason: Most just "went through the works" during the Refuge Ceremony and some even did the same during the "Ordination Ceremony"! 

[Avatamsaka 16 & 17
These 2 chapters really contain lots of enlightening materials.

SZ said that day about letting go of sentient stuff.

Well these 2 books actually detailed the benefits and how to do so!

short n sweet though they are, but packed with goodness!
Cheers ]

In Guru's most recent speech, he talks about {Heart}.
Bodhicitta Wish Comes from Your {Heart}!

Your current status, "picked up" by the "Heavenly" or "Dharma" Eye, shows Your Heart was never involved in your Vows of Refuge or even Ordination, YOU ARE ALL FAKE!

This is Your Own Fault or the Causative Factor of you not being able to Yoga or Cultivate well.
Therefore, No Merits Due to you! 




The sutra started out with Indra asking Dharma Wisdom Boddhisattva, what measure is the merit of initial Bodhiscitta Wish?

The answer was: the meaning is pretty deep, hard to say, hard to know, how to differentiate, hard to explain credibly; hard to affirm; hard to execute; hard to communicate effectively, hard to comprehensively ponder, hard to measure depth, hard to heartily enter. ]

I BOLD or Underlined some sentences in the Chinese version, perhaps might be able to highlight some points for readers. :) 

This one talks about knowing all of past, present, future with One thought, of all success & failure in all worlds and all times or eons  make a Bodhicitta Wish, this is called [Initial Bodhicitta Wish of Great Dignity and Fully Comprehend Wisdom of all Dharma Abilitly.



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