
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pure Karma Zen Dao 净业禅道学 之 一指禅气功

Use at your own Risk. If you have any pre-disposing medical condition, consult your physician before any attempt to use. 
Pure Karma will not be liable in any way for your use of these materials.

Copyrights of Pure Karma Vihara. 
Unauthorized usage and duplication liable for legal action. 

Pure Karma combines Shorinji Kenpo with Tai Qi Boxing and compiles a set of exercises to helps promote general health and also aid cultivation of Tantrayana.

We started off with 3 steps of movements which helps Qi energy movements. 
This is a variant of Bodhidharma's Shaolin Boxing.

Students reflected that after these exercises, they feels so much more "smooth" when cultivating fire puja that follows.

We will continue the same until most attendees are proficient before we proceed to next sets of exercises.

Those interested to join us, please write to

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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