
Monday, July 1, 2013

Lotuschef on Tantrayana is Simplicity

Terjemahan Indonesia: Tantrayana adalah Kesederhanaan

Hi all,
still remember the Real and Fake Roses story that Shizun told us?

Both Roses will be EQUAL when they are Thrown away as Garbage!


Why bring this one up?


Now Look Closely at the Current Fund Raising Saga by Core, purportedly to have funds to Sue Those that They alleged Defame our Root Guru and resulting in ruining or severing many people's Wisdom Life!

For Most of YOU, your reaction is RIGHT!

Because we all know well that Guru stressed many times that He Will Not Sue Anyone, no matter the provocation!

Core has somehow Showed Guru in an Undesirable Light in their new gimmick to raise funds!

However, Guru clarified on 29-6-2013's session that He Still Abide by his Vow of Not Suing Anyone!
He said if Core wants to do so for their own reasons, that is up to Core!

This means Simply that GURU WON'T SUE ANYONE, AND ALSO MEAN SIMPLY THAT CORE AS STUDENTS of Guru Should also Honor Guru's sentiment on this point!

Why make life too complicated for Self as well as others by rousing sentiments of Hatred, Anger, Revenge. Getting Even, Beat Others, Must Win,......:)


Absolute Faith and Trust in your own Root Guru means you don't do what he won't do!

Don't think and make things complicated all around!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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