
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lotuschef in Trauma & Kundalini Triggers

Someone cast black magic on me from 3rd quarter of 2004 onwards.
April 18, 2005, my right arm suddenly lost mobility and I can't use it at all.

From then on, I get sudden attacks of Breathlessness and I feel as if someone is using his hand to squeeze & release my heart effortlessly,  as if squeezing a sponge.

Went for Xray examinations and various Western and Eastern medical consultation and treatment but to no avail!

I met Fairy Jing when visiting a TCM practitioner.
She saw 2 ghostly spirits following me into the clinic.
I went to seek help from brothers who have wide contact pools.

My younger brother recommended a "shifu" or master in Johor.
I am indeed blessed as this master started a thrice weekly session in Singapore near the Tembling Street Avalokitesvara Temple.

The master said that I am all "Chained" up, thats why I am breathless frequently.
He also helps me sent the ghostly spirits upwards.

Towards the end of 2005, another Hinayana master helped me too for about 2 months to completely clear off the black magic.

The black magic was constantly cast on me until end of 2005, as unknowingly, I ate Tainted food with the evil stuff added. This person is my ex-spouse and he has my birth data and also my representative essences.
The black magic was casted not only on me but my 3 children too.
After my ex left, we did a major spring cleaning and found folded triangles of yellow paper talisman in the children's wardrobes.

If you watch Mudita - Selfless Joy; my son is telling a True Life story of our experiences. :)

I am cleansed after August 2006, after I took refuge in the Triple Gems at a local monastery.

During the period when I am under the influence of the black magic, I met some amazing people and Healers! :)

One of them helps me to open certain channels to aid blood and Qi energy flow.
He also taught me to sit into a icy tub of water.
I can sit in this icy tub of water and perspire.

Many that have met me hence had noticed that I am pretty resistant to the cold and my hands are always warm.

I wrote about the Kundalini Triggers.

The black magic actually Triggers Kundalini in not only me but my children.

Hahaha! We have "sharpened" 6th Sense!

Can see, hear, smell, touch, feel, much sharper.

All these helps much in cultivation and visualization.

To most, this might sound really bizarre, but with this sharpened 6th sense, my eldest and I can draw lights of any color at will.

I also taught my eldest to do healing by "reaching into body cavity" of someone with tumors and draw them out and throw them away.

Karma is neither good nor bad!

The Evil Black Magic did Good of Forcing open our channels and triggers the Kundalini to LIVE!

With what Shizun teaches, my eldest and myself can help Self as well as others easily.

I have great dislike of those that use Black Magic to harm anyone. I am able to stop anyone doing so now. No Kidding!

The first master from Johor that saved me, worships Golden Mother of the Yao Pond and they chant Vairocana's Dharani before each consultation session.


The second is from Hinayana but also practicing Tantri methods.

In Summary, I can only say that the whole Universe came to my aid and has never left me hence. :)

I am still good with my Vow to share cultivation technique I know, Free of charge.
My only condition is you must agree to answer my questions to access how much fundamentals you have cultivated and attained.

No Personal matters consultation unless you pay the relevant fees.

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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