
Monday, July 8, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Compendium of Arya Kurukulle Tantra

PKV: catching GM's speech now.

well, he started with Basics and clearing Karmic negatives n getting
purer gradually as one cleanse body speech & mind

hahaha! GM now likes to test VM's knowledge too!

most of them can't answer again

GM ask Guru rinpoche lives how long?

AA: I have a joy reading this compendium of Arya Kurukulle tantra.
But I have a question to check with you

The so-called “knower of everything”
Cannot be attained without insight.
The one who wishes to attain it,
Should therefore develop incisive insight. [III.5]

Through the practice of recitation and oblations
One will encounter all phenomena.
The mind that is pure, bright, and stainless—
That indeed is the transcendent insight. [III.6]

That is on page 17 of the attached PDF.
If you have some spare time, could you share with me how you are going to explain the "mind that is pure, bright, and stainless is indeed the transcendent insight"?
Is it composed of the ability to renunciate and the bodhicitta of benefiting others, therefore you are fearless and non-attached and by so doing automatically become pure - bright- and stainless?

Cheers fashi dear :)

PKV: hi dear
At a glance:-

The so-called “knower of everything
Cannot be attained without insight.
The one who wishes to attain it,
Should therefore develop incisive insight. [III.5]

Through the practice of recitation and oblations
One will encounter all phenomena.
The mind that is pure, bright, and stainless
That indeed is the transcendent insight. [III.6]

This is about Cultivation and the insight is Wisdom of the Buddha to Know All, See All, Do All....

The requisites to develop is Purity, Brightness = Light up internally, Stainless steel is firm and unaffectable by anything!

When I have more time, I will read the text you attached.

I underlined certain key words too!

Think you should be able to pick up the Keys here! 


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

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